fights don’t just exist between big animals insects have their own disagreements you’ve seen a bug’s life why couldn’t the ants and grasshoppers just get along and there are plenty more insect fights in the world these are the craziest fights in the insect kingdom [Music] number 15. praying mantis eats a live lizard it’s a well-known fact that female praying mantises will eat their lovers during the act that happens when moms and dads love each other very much but even though they will eat their own kind and other little insects like them that doesn’t mean they stop there everyone likes a challenge from time to time and the praying mantis is no exception alongside eating other little bugs they can also take down lizards not even dead ones either but live lizards using their long spiked forelegs they can capture prey and hold them steady while they nibble they also have small claws that act as an additional grip with such anatomy it was only a matter of time before they worked out that the odd lizard or two could be on the menu they are ambush predators that can camouflage themselves after all the lizard didn’t stand a chance but they aren’t the only victims of the praying mantis they are also partial to meals of hummingbirds frogs fish and of course their family members they sound like a real catch like this video smash the subscribe button and click the notification bell right now or this centipede will crawl on your face when you’re sleeping now it’s time for the odd topic this footage reveals what happens when a centipede and praying mantis meet in a tank with nowhere to go or no way to get out the answer oh it’s not pretty it is not pretty the fight that follows is an epic brawl the two of them stumbling around scrapping with one another this is the sequel to a bug’s life we would love to see and here we were thinking the praying mantis was a peaceful bug as always comment down below with the hashtag oddtopic and let us know your opinion in relation to what we just showed on screen let’s move on to the next one number 14 black scorpion versus halloween crab what do you get when you put two armored animals in the battle ring some interesting results that’s what while these two creatures are unlikely to meet in the animal kingdom all that often it’s interesting to see how they engage and interact with each other when they do it’s worth noting too that this video is for educational purposes and no crab or scorpion was harmed in the making while the crab makes the first move it’s the scorpion that reacts and then keeps on reacting the black scorpion and halloween crab both use their claws but then fall on their unique defense mechanisms to keep themselves safe fortunately both have armor to protect themselves the black scorpion has eight legs peta palps and a segmented tail that curves over with a stinger on the end when it doesn’t gain traction with its peta palps it bends its tail over towards the crab to try and sting it while the sting of a scorpion is venomous most do not pose a threat to humans the armor of both the crab and scorpion make this fight without a winner but the scorpion would impress when faced with a weaker opponent they can kill lizards mice and pretty much any small arthropod that it comes into contact with number 13 wasp cuts b in half if humans fought like this someone would end up in jail but in the insect kingdom crazy fights like this are entirely normal and not even frowned upon a yellow jacket wasp and a b got into a fight and there was definitely one clear winner as the two tussled the yellow jacket wasp gets on top of the b and gnaws at its abdomen until the bee is literally in two pieces talk about horrid once the bee is in bits the top half walks off while the wasp takes off into the sky with its bottom most people who watched the footage online were in awe of what went down but a u.s wasp expert barely raised an eyebrow new york american museum of natural history dr james carpenter said the wasps behavior was entirely reasonable they eat a wide variety of insects like flies bees spiders and caterpillars taking off with half of the bee was also not surprising dr carpenter said quite often they will cut up their dinner to make it easier to transport sometimes they even chew it up to get rid of the appendages nature is gross number 12 black widow and scorpion what happens when you put a black widow face to face with a death stalker scorpion well it’s hard to know you would struggle to find a more even match than these two scorpions and black widows are both exceptionally poisonous creatures and seeing them battle takes a lot of strength if you’re normally quite squeamish you also may never know who will win black widows have a potent venom with a neurotoxin called latrotoxin when bitten the toxin can cause a condition known as latrodectism which results in pain muscle rigidity sweating and vomiting female black widows have larger venom glands than males and their bite can be quite harmful to humans while deaths are rare they have happened and while at face value it looks like a black widow is a clear winner in this battle that doesn’t mean the death stalker yellow scorpion doesn’t stand a chance their venom contains four neurotoxins and it’s one of the most dangerous scorpion species a bite from a death stalker scorpion may not result in the death of a healthy human but it can be fatal for young kids the infirm and the elderly they grow up to around three inches long while the black widow is half that at 1.5 inches number 11 beautiful wasp zombifies cockroach the animal kingdom can be a frightening place but maybe not in the way you might think what if we were to tell you that one particular insect could turn others into zombies sounds like something out of a horror movie right well it is now a reality the jewel wasp is a beautiful wasp in its coloring but not so much in its personality it will go to extreme lengths to make sure its larva can eat at the expense of others okay so here goes the jewel wasp is often far smaller than its victim the cockroach but that doesn’t matter it swoops above latches onto a cockroach with her mouth then aims her stinger in between the roach’s first pair of legs she then releases quite a toxic venom which temporarily paralyzes the cockroach but she isn’t finished now that the cockroach is in her control she aims her stinger at a particular part of its brain and she’s quite precise too for she feels around to find the part she’s looking for the ganglia the venom she releases into the brain then makes the cockroach do as she says the roach starts grooming itself before letting the offspring of the jewel wasp feast on it without even trying to fight number 10 spider wasp vs wolf spider if this story doesn’t make you fear nature then nothing will amateur photographer kenneth gissy was building a chicken coop in his yard when he noticed a spider wasp hovering above a patch of grass he then quickly spotted the terrifying looking wolf spider and knew something dramatic was about to go down so he started filming the fight without knowing the natural behaviors of the wasp you would think this spider and wasp were evenly matched after all they are around the same size in saying that the wasp has an extra card to play venom it can paralyze the spider which means the spider is entirely in the control of the wasp and that is exactly what happened the wasp paralyzed the spider and dragged it to its underground layer and while we don’t see what happens next it doesn’t take much google searching to figure it out the spider wasp would lay eggs in the spider’s abdomen and then wait for its larva to hatch once it does the offspring eat the spider from the inside out while it was alive is in nature glorious number nine giant killer hornet colonies battle it out there’s only one word to describe asian giant hornets and that’s awful it is the world’s largest hornet at 1.8 inches and it has a wingspan of around three inches its stinger is sizeable at a quarter inch long as well which allows it to inject a lot of potent venom and if you think that one little hornet can be dangerous well think again since 2001 over two dozen people have been killed by these hornets their venom can cause cardiac arrest multiple organ failure anaphylactic shock and skin hemorrhaging fortunately it’s not just humans they attack but their own kind as well when two colonies want to protect their resources territories and future generations they go into battle to take each other out these huge hornets clamber on top of each other and there can only be one winner honeybees got sick and tired of the fighting and having their colonies wiped out so they came up with a solution when they see a hornet they will allow it to enter their territory but 100 or more honeybees will then clamber on top of it to stop it from calling reinforcements the heat and carbon dioxide causes the hornet to die number eight spider versus cockroach people especially new zealanders often joke that the only thing wrong with australia is all the australians but we’d like to clear that up there are plenty of other reasons why you wouldn’t want to live there like massive spiders and creepy little cockroaches one australian guy spotted a huge huntsman spider in his bathroom instead of screaming as i would have he decided to kill two birds with one stone thank the spider for its service and get rid of an annoying cockroach in his house he collects a cockroach in a plastic container from his shower and drops it above the spider before it could even hit the counter the spider launches into action and grabs it it then spends minutes getting it under control by choking and crushing it the huntsman spider which the australian guy named alfred is known for its speed and hunting style they can grow with their leg span up to around 11.8 inches and tend to hang around woody places and while cockroaches can supposedly outlive most things it seems they’re no match for this huge terrifying looking spider number seven murder hornet versus praying mantis this year 2020 has been how do i say it awful almost everything that could go wrong has gone wrong but what we weren’t expecting were murder hornets that’s right asian giant hornets were discovered in the united states and people lost their minds they are around two inches long have as much venom as a venomous snake and they can sting multiple times even if you’re wearing a beekeeping suit that won’t stop the murder hornets they also destroy bee colonies and have been responsible for quite a number of human deaths too so as you can imagine there are a lot of animals that can comfortably sit above them on the food chain but then the praying mantis arrived on the scene and the world rejoiced while there are videos of murder hornets winning in fights against the praying mantis there is now proof that they can be taken down by praying mantis too the mantis attacks it chomps down on its brain and wins the fight and to you praying mantis we say thank you you’ve done the us a great service number six beetle versus scorpion in the battle ring today we’ve got a devil scorpion and a warrior beetle who will come out on top while the beetle has some crazy strong armor the scorpion does of course have its sting so who’s it gonna be the scorpion or the beetle both of these critters are found in the sonora desert and the scorpion is considered a pest in arizona but will it prove stronger than the battle ready beetle time to find out at first the two creatures just size each other up but then the battle rages the scorpion tries to make a run for it but the beetle is having none of that it races towards the scorpion not even worried about the inevitable stings heading its way it grabs hold of the scorpion’s tail with its mighty pincers and clamps down hard the scorpion then tries to clamber over some wood but the beetle has a firm grip by now nothing is gonna stop the beetle from getting that winner’s trophy every now and again the scorpion will try and fend off the beetle but it starts to slow down the beetle takes its opportunity it releases the tail jumps on its pincer then chops its tail clean in half is now a good time to mention that warrior beetles eat devil scorpions in the wild number five black carpenter ants in colony battle black carpenter ants are massive 0.3 inch to 1 inch long ants that live in central and eastern north america they are dull black on their heads and bodies and have white and yellow hair on their abdomen they also differ in size based on their position in the colony for example minor workers tend to be quite small but the queen males and major workers are often quite large one thing that’s worth knowing about the black carpenter ant is that they’re always busy they can forage at night for up to 100 yards and create pheromone trails they will also work together to take food back to the colony in a kind of relay system but what happens if you come across an amazing piece of food but another ant wants it as in a carpenter ant from another colony well your colony is relying on you so you can’t let the other ant have it two soldier ants were captured in a photo showing just how stubborn they can be they identified that they were from different colonies by their pheromones and realized that they both couldn’t have the delicious snack so they locked their mandibles together in a battle of will and stayed that way for around two hours number four fighting fruit flies imagine going on a date being asked what you do for a living and then saying i’m a fly fight observer that must be quite a conversation starter or stopper for neuroscientist eric hoopfer eric loves to watch fruit flies fight these insects the size of pinheads have iridescent wings golden bodies and huge red eyes as far as flies go they’re pretty spectacular to look at but watching them fight is a whole different experience eric puts pairs of male fruit flies into tiny glass chambers in a fly behavior room at the california institute of technology in pasadena once the flies are introduced to each other they start fighting their behavior is entirely unique they face each other tip each other over and even roll around plunge and toss each other to the ground like sumo wrestlers eric watches so that he can get to grips with how their brains work believe it or not fruit flies have around 75 percent of the same genes that make humans sick which means they can do wonders in the realm of research for cancer alzheimer’s and parkinson’s while the flies are fighting eric and his colleagues monitor the fly’s brains to see which parts they’re using they hope they can use this information in the future to understand human emotional states number three welcome to cricket fight club when you hear the phrase cricket fight club you might think about your favorite cricket teams getting into an unruly brawl on the pitch and while it’s kind of similar well actually it’s not at all we’re talking about actual crickets dating back to the tang dynasty cricket fighting was a sport that gamblers would wager on it’s commonplace among sino gamblers and some big money is thrown at it but just because it’s popular and has been around for a long time doesn’t mean it’s legal in fact in 2018 authorities busted three men who were accused of being involved in the organization of a cricket fighting underground casino in just one week about 300 people with money to burn spent around 140 000 betting on crickets the well-fed bugs were put into a small ring to see who would give up or leave the ring alive some people are that into cricket fighting that they breed them for that very reason for example one passionate cricket fighting enthusiast has around 70 aggressive crickets that he calls little gladiators doesn’t get more absurd than that number two beetle fighting you’ve probably heard of cricket fighting but have you heard of beetle fighting well you have now during the rainy season in the non-province of thailand beetles are driven to fight by the smell of female beetles as it turns out they are quite ferocious little critters people place them on logs to fight each other with their long horns but it’s more official and planned out than it sounds the beetle fighting is actually a competition with each match decided in 12 rounds there are also four types of quang beetles in the competition kwang-sam quang-san the three-horned beetle and quang-song the beetles are placed on a fighting stage known as a gorn and it’s made from wood with a tripod there’s a female beetle hidden under the stage that causes the males to get riled up the beetles use their horns to fight each other and the winner is decided by how many times they use their horns against their opponent if there’s no clear winner after 12 rounds it’s a draw number one cockroach versus cockroach for love seeing two cockroaches fighting is a pretty amazing sight but it’s even more so when you get to know the story behind what they’re doing how they’re doing it and what it all means for example a national geographic video of two madagascar hissing cockroaches was uploaded to the internet that raised a few eyebrows it showed two cockroaches fighting it out by scrabbling flipping their opponent and trying to be the bigger man fortunately it’s not a fight to the death but it’s interesting to know who the opponents are often cockroaches are lovers or fighters regardless of which one they are though they must fight to win the attention of a female cockroach after all she normally mates with the winner researchers have found that the fighters tend to be more aggressive and with bigger horns however the smaller ones with smaller horns tend to have bigger man parts which makes them the lovers apparently during their final stage of development cockroaches could divert resources to certain parts of their body to make them bigger well that explains that then humans can get a little scrappy from time to time but who knew that insects could be as vicious and as passionate as they are have you ever seen insects fighting before if so who came out on top also check out our other cool stuff showing up on screen right now see you next time