
15 Most Painful Animal Stings You Can Experience

the idea that the animals who are capable of dishing out the most harm are the big ones you know the big muscly beasts that can pack a wallop is an antiquated idea that’s not wholly true in truth little animals can hurt you just as bad it all comes down to the sting if sharp enough and if full of the right venom an animal stinger can be lethal these are the most painful stings you can experience [Music] number 15 giant water bugs sting these large insects are most commonly found in marsh’s slow flowing streams or freshwater ponds in north and south america northern australia and east asia considered a delicacy in some parts of southeast asia the giant water bug or below stomata day is part of a family of freshwater insects they have several less formal names including toe biter so it’s no surprise they have a bite that packs a bit of a punch but is believed to hurt a lot more than all other insect bites with the resulting sting lasting for several hours when feeling threatened the giant water bug plays dead lying motionless in the water as their meal floats past they appear to reawaken and attack their unsuspecting victim by piercing and injecting them with saliva their diet is quite varied and includes anything from aquatic invertebrates to snails crustaceans and fish amphibians however in rare cases they have been known to devour baby turtles and water snakes one of the larger insects you’ll come across the water bug is also quite unique as it carries its eggs on its back most species are at least 2 centimeters long but some can exceed 12 centimeters that’s one big insect by the way have a look at this image we found of a man who got bitten by one of these types of water bugs the story goes that tiny holes started to appear on this person’s hand just minutes after the bug bit his hand that looks extremely painful like this video smash the subscribe button and click the notification bell right now or slenderman will come from under your bed while you’re sleeping number 14 bullet ants these little characters might only measure up to 1.2 inches long but research has shown that they have the most painful sting of all the bullet ant appears to be appropriately named as the pain from its sting is described as intense if you can imagine walking over flaming hot coals with a three inch nail embedded in your heel then you might be close worse still the agony can last for up to 24 hours these ants are the largest of the ant family and although not instinctively aggressive they can become so an in defense mode their sting releases ponerotoxin a paralyzing neurotoxic peptide that causes severe muscle contractions in its victims will also experience a burning sensation and a great deal of pain but thank your lucky stars you can generally avoid these dangerous little characters the same can’t be said for many young boys who are part of the satiri maui tribe of the amazon rainforest as part of their initiation into manhood they are forced to stick their hands into gloves filled with angry bullet ants for 10 minutes this ritual is repeated until the boy can endure the fallout without shedding a single tear rumor has it this can take up to 20 attempts poor kids number 13 paper wasp paper wasps form part of a large diverse cosmopolitan family of wasps their nests are made from paper-like material including fibers from dead wood and plant stems hence the name these wasps are also called umbrella wasps due to the shape and intricacy of their nests the nests are characterized by their open combs with cells for rearing their young chemicals they secrete are spread around the base to repel ants and prevent the loss of eggs or offspring nests are usually constructed in sheltered areas like the branches of a tree or under the eaves of a house unlike yellow jackets and hornets the paper wasp isn’t considered aggressive and is a semi-social creature that typically lives in a colony with many others they will attack but only if they themselves or their nests are threatened there are about 22 known species of these stinging insects living in north america and hundreds more across the globe a paper wasp sting can be very painful and extremely dangerous for those who are normally allergic to other insect stings if stung the area will become red and swollen it should be cleaned immediately and elevated if possible fortunately for those that aren’t allergic simple over-the-counter medication will help reduce the pain and calm the reaction number 12 platypus sometimes referred to as the duck-billed platypus due to its obvious bill the platypus is rather an odd-looking character that is endemic to eastern australia the semi-aquatic egg layer is also dangerous this fact shouldn’t really come as a surprise considering the large number of venomous creatures that inhabit australia but you would think the cute and clumsy platypus might seem like a safe option unfortunately that is not always the case particularly if you cross paths with one of the male variety these guys can pack a real punch with their ankle spurs capable of delivering a wicked sting the pain is said to be so excruciating that it could easily incapacitate an adult human and what makes matters worse is that the pain from the sting can turn into a condition called hypereglsia this is where the victim becomes hypersensitive to pain and is a condition that can last for weeks or months following the initial sting it certainly doesn’t sound like much fun but spare a thought for small animals that come into contact with this brutal character one sting from the platypus can be enough to paralyze or even kill them the venom delivered is believed to be particularly potent during breeding season when the male platypus is trying to assert dominance might be an idea to steer clear of these guys don’t you think number 11 giant hornet it might look like an oversized wasp but the asian giant hornet is not to be messed with native to temperate and tropical east asia south asia mainland southeast asia and parts of the russian far east these large and distinctive insects have a body length of just under 2 inches and a wingspan of about 3 inches often confused with the yellow-legged hornet the asian giant hornet is characterized by its orange head and black banded orange body they prefer to live in low mountains and forests and create nests by digging out pre-existing tunnels dug by rodents or taking up residence near rotted pine roots like any other social wasp they will defend their nest if their eggs or offspring are threatened if people aren’t aggressive towards them the giant hornet is relatively harmless but they are quick to fly into a fit of rage at the hint of any danger compared to the stock standard honeybee a giant hornet’s stinger can sting repeatedly as it doesn’t break off this means they are capable of delivering about 10 times more venom than a honey bee can their stingers can also puncture thick clothing so even bee keepers aren’t safe from these guys if you are allergic to bee and wasp stings or even if you’re not i think it’s sensible to avoid hornets and their nests whenever possible don’t you number 10 giant centipede this large carnivorous centipede is considered one of the biggest in the scalopendra species the species are known to inhabit tropical or subtropical rainforests and tropical dry forests in both south america and the caribbean due to their size the giant centipede is able to prey on a wide variety of animals including other invertebrates amphibians mammals and reptiles they are not fussy and literally feed on any other animal they can overpower and kill small lizards frogs snakes birds mice and even bats are on the menu these slippery characters can grow up to a foot long and are believed to have a lethal bite researchers say that a bite from the giant centipede will have you whining and limping around for a good 12 hours so it must be pretty potent no surprise really given it has the ability to kill large prey like mice and bats humans aren’t safe either with at least one human death recorded as being the result of this centipede’s venom sadly the victim was a four-year-old girl she was bitten by a centipede that was hiding inside her open soda can number 9. kila monster this interesting looking reptile has an almost hybrid appearance it’s like a cross between a miniature croc a snake and a lizard and it has a personality to match the gila monster is a species of venomous lizard that has often been described as frightful and repulsive especially in local folklore and there’s little wonder considering it has one of the worst reputations in the reptile world a heavy-bodied lizard the giula monster has black and yellow bead-like scales that cover all but their belly they are also a cantankerous beast prone to spitting venom leaping several feet in the air to attack their prey stinging with their tongue and killing people with gusts of poisonous breath [Applause] the gila monster is a typically slow-moving species of venomous lizard native to the southwestern united states and northwestern mexican state of sonora their venom is made by a row of glands in the lower jaw this flows into its prey through small grooves in the teeth when the lizard bites but that’s not all these monster lizards are very strong and may not loosen their grip for several seconds perhaps even chewing so that the venom goes deeper into the wound of their victim because of their sluggish nature they don’t pose much of a threat to humans but they do eat a lot the gila has been known to consume up to one third of its body mass in food it is one greedy monster number eight arizona bark scorpion this small light brown creature wouldn’t look out of place in an episode of fear factor with its eight legs pincers and curled up tail the arizona bark scorpion looks a lot more aggressive than it really is this poor little guy is actually preyed on by all manner of animals including birds reptiles and other vertebrate their population has also been significantly reduced by development pesticides and researchers fortunately the news isn’t all bad for the bark scorpion commonly found in the sonoran desert in the southwestern united states and northwestern mexico it is the most venomous and can cause immense discomfort not only is the intended victim gripped with pain but they also endure a combination of numbness tingling and vomiting that typically lasts between 24 and 72 hours if that’s what it can do to an adult human it’s difficult to imagine how a smaller target would cope bark scorpions are small with an adult male reaching eight centimeters long and a female slightly smaller at just seven centimeters but don’t be fooled these guys give as good as they get number seven stone fish why these fish are called stone fish i’m unsure as they look nothing like stones and they certainly don’t act like them either they are in fact an intriguing little character that can survive out of the water for up to 24 hours hence the name stone the stone fish is found in the coastal regions of the indo-pacific they are covered in hypodermic-like spines that help deter predators they are also the world’s most venomous fish with a toxin that can kill an adult human in less than an hour if left untreated the victim will experience intense pain and swelling that can spread to an entire arm or leg within minutes they will have difficulty breathing their blood pressure will lower and they will collapse from shock as the toxins spread throughout their body considering they’re so dangerous it’s almost beyond belief that the stone fish is a prized aquarium fish in many destinations throughout the globe perhaps there are many unique qualities and arsenal of weaponry adds to the intrigue who knows number six the vox jellyfish a deadly little character that hangs out in the coastal waters off northern australia and throughout the indo-pacific the box jellyfish can prove problematic for swimmers wading or diving in sea waters their long tentacles contain violent toxins they trail from the jellyfish body and can inject unsuspecting victims with venom that attacks the body’s nervous system skin cells and heart virtually no part of the body is left unscathed so the outcome can be grim stings are relatively common and they vary greatly in severity most are simply irritating however some may cause whole body illness and can be life-threatening so medical care may be required rest assured you will know when you have been stung with victims saying the pain is agonizing although they only weigh around 2 kilograms at most these delicate fish are actually quite large they can grow up to 12 inches around and each tentacle can reach a massive 10 feet long this gives them a huge stinging area so you need to be exceptionally careful not to get in the way number five fire urchin this species of sea urchin is found in the tropical indo-pacific and was first discovered in the late 1700s a large species the fire urchin can measure up to 20 centimeters in diameter they have long spines that can measure up to four centimeters and are grouped in five vertical clusters v-shaped areas with no spines sit in between the clusters and are normally red in color with lines of iridescent blue dots the color of the spines varies from reddish brown to purple dark brown or nearly black they are long and hollow and come in two sizes with the shorter of the two containing venom although covered in spikes these sea creatures aren’t actually aggressive they live in oceans throughout the world typically in relatively shallow water like rock pools coral reefs or rocks exposed by the waves attacks on humans are purely accidental they live in shallow waters where people tend to flock in the warmer months and can be stepped on this can result in an inadvertent sting a sting that is extremely painful and can be serious the victim may suffer multiple puncture wounds accompanied by weakness muscle aches shock intense fatigue or or still paralysis number four bald-faced hornet you only need to take one look at these insects to know they’re not to be trusted the bald-faced hornet has a face that closely resembles that of a star wars stormtrooper with elements of black and white making it look anything but friendly these hornets are also very aggressive with very little provoking they will attack anyone or anything unsocial creatures they despise their space being invaded and are easily agitated they are very sensitive to outside noises and vibrations that can travel through the air this fact alone is not good news for the hapless homeowner who may come into contact with a nest quite by accident just imagine you’re out mowing the lawn one day and quite by accident you enter a hornet’s personal space a grim surprise might just await you and an unexpected one at that if you can’t get out of the rampaging hornet’s path you may well require a trip to the emergency room their sting is not only extremely painful it can cause severe allergic reactions in some people medical attention should be sought immediately if the person who has been stung experiences difficulty breathing swelling in the face throat or mouth difficulty swallowing anxiety rapid pulse or dizziness number three the black widow spider a number of black widow spiders can be easily recognized by the spot of red on their back as we know red often signals danger and this eight-legged insect is very dangerous other spiders of the same species may have white or brown markings on the upper side of the abdomen but all measure between 3 and 10 millimeters in diameter their venom is also very poisonous it affects the human nervous system but results can vary some people are only slightly affected by the poison but for others the reaction can be very severe they immediately feel pain burning swelling and notice redness at the site where they have been bitten two fang marks may also be visible within the first eight hours victims may feel their muscles beginning to stiffen they may become nauseous vomit have difficulty breathing experience cramping excessive sweating swelling weakness or tremors maybe even a rash unfortunately many of these symptoms can be misdiagnosed as something else but if there’s even a slight possibility that you may have been bitten you should seek medical advice only the bites of female black widows are dangerous to humans but despite their notoriety the poison rarely causes death number two crown of thorns starfish these large starfish are bottom dwellers they lie on the bottom of the ocean and prey on hard or stony coral polyps the crown of thorn starfish lived throughout the subtropics and tropics from the red sea in the east african coast across the indian ocean and across the pacific ocean to the west coast of central america they are also very common in australia their body is very similar to that of a typical starfish with a central disk and multiple arms the crown of thorns is heavily spined and measures between 25 and 35 centimeters when fully extended they can have up to 23 arms and although appearing stiff they are quite flexible and able to twist around the contours of the corals within which they feed their spines are long and sharp and are located on the sides of their arms and upper surface there are between 13 and 16 of them they resemble thorns and are just as sharp but slightly more dangerous injury to humans however is usually purely accidental a diver may step on the starfish and they inject poison as part of their defense mechanism venom is then injected into the victim who can experience severe pain itching swelling heat redness numbness tingling and weakness for a diver several of these symptoms are dangerous and they should exit the water and seek medical attention immediately number one blunt nose stingray these flat disc shaped creatures with fins that resemble wings are native to the coastal waters of the western atlantic ocean from the u.s state of massachusetts to venezuela the blunt nose stingray is a bottom dweller and typically grows up to 80 centimeters across they prefer sandy or muddy habitats up to 10 meters deep and are more active at night during the day these stingrays are usually buried in sediment and rarely seen they have a venomous whip-like tail that represents a real danger to unsuspecting beachgoers it measures over one and a half times long as the pectoral fin and has one or two long serrated stinging spines on the top each contains venom and can pack an incredibly powerful punch although they’re not generally considered dangerous they can sting when disturbed or stepped on their tail spine can easily pierce leather or rubber footwear and can inflict excruciating injury the venom delivered has paralytic properties and can be life-threatening for those with heart or respiratory problems it’s also dangerous to those with allergies hot water kills stingray venom and may relieve the pain associated with the sting however if symptoms are severe emergency medical care should be sawed the word sting is often linked to wasps and bumblebees but there are a number of other animals across the globe that are capable of inflicting a painful sting many of these animals are also nowhere near as small as these winged characters either take for example the platypus who knew it was even capable of such an act i know i didn’t also check out our other cool stuff showing up on screen right now see you next time

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