the world is filled with Giants of the animal kingdom with recent footage showing some real monsters these five Giants caught on camera and spotted in real life are bound to amaze you and you can’t wait to get started before we begin make sure you hit that subscribe button to get notified every day for more amazing content with that being said let’s begin number five snake hoax people went a little crazy when the internet produced a photo of this ridiculously oversized snake touted as the world’s biggest snake the picture was supposedly taken in the Amazon River in Africa that’s your first sign that something’s a little amiss the story goes that a crack team of Africa’s Royal British commandos hunted the snake food leaks with the elusive creature managing to avoid them for the majority of that time the picture came with reports that the snake was a danger to everyone in the surrounding area having killed a whopping 257 people on top of that the snake was supposed to have been credited with taking out 2325 animals which is a pretty steep number the team that captured it said it was 134 feet long and weighed 2,000 67 that’s one hell of a snake at least it would be if this story had any ounce of bhakti the reality is that this was one of the Internet’s many hoaxes it’s one that definitely took off inspiring fear in huge numbers of people who believed the story if there was a snake of that size lurking around in this day and age you can be sure that we probably wouldn’t find out with some random picture in a story attached this story has been disproven time and time again yet it still keeps coming back to life on top of the snake residing in the Amazon in Africa is the fact that the British commandos haven’t been around since World War two making them an odd group to be hunting snakes I mean they may have invented a time machine back in the 40s but we seriously doubt it there are so many holes in this story we’re just gonna stop at that and call it a day with all the hype that real giants on our planet can generate we can’t imagine why people are willing to go out of their way to try to fool people especially if they can get any facts right in their story the good news even if we fooled you with giant number 5 the rest are very much a reality some are fearsome predators while others are of a more docile temperament all of them however are massive examples of what Mother Nature can produce number four giant squid filmed in deep ocean we were amazed in 2013 when NHK and the Discovery Channel teamed up to bring us footage of a massive giant squid swimming around in its element the deep sea expedition marks the first time anyone has ever managed to get the ocean predator on camera in its natural habitat and has been a huge benefit to science the team used an underwater submersible vehicle to head his deepest 2066 feet in order to get the shot with over 100 dives law that’s a ton of time spent underwater as this sub wasn’t remotely operated the team had to physically cram themselves inside equipment and all overall they spent over 400 hours in the tiny sub which must have been really unpleasant for those involved all their hard work paid off however when they noticed something nearby around 15 kilometers east of chichi island once they had a target they followed the giant specimen to as far down as 900 meters below the ocean’s surface the squid they filmed was around 3 meters long which isn’t anything to laugh at but also isn’t enormous by any stretch the giant squid has been known to reach lengths far exceeding this part of the reason for its less impressive length was that the squids two longest arms are actually missing potentially torn off in a past fight one of the researchers said that it would probably have been closer to eight meters in length if the arms had been attached which sounds more like it turns out that these squid will use other small squid as bait holding on to them and using them to attract other prey that’s pretty cool and it’s interesting that they managed to film it with one such bait squid in its arms the giant squid is elusive and difficult to track with the only recording prior to this one taking place in 2006 after a giant squid had been caught and brought up to the surface these monstrous predators in their natural environment would be incredible to see but even in a submersible vehicle we’d still feel pretty vulnerable the largest recorded giant squid measured over 18 metres which is enough to take on a sub and wind if it wanted to they do take on sperm whales and come out on top after all making these giants terrifying when they want to be there’s been so much speculation as to whether or not there are multiple species of giant squid with no definitive answers so far evidence currently points toward just one species total but many scientists think that more could lurk out there hidden into depths number three whale shark Hall a group of fishermen probably expected a good haul when they set out but nothing like what they eventually came back with this massive plankton eater is the largest species of fish in the entire world but was done in when accidentally caught in the trawlers nets the team said that the fish was still conscious and alive when they first pulled it in but it unsurprisingly died a few hours later when they were able to bring it back to shore the scene was met with large crowds with huge numbers of people hoping to catch a glimpse of the monster as it was hauled on to the docks the fish took two industrial cranes to lift it safely ashore as well as a lot of effort even though the whale shark is listed as an endangered species they’re still hunted in many parts of the world and can fetch quite a high price all toll this particular whale shark weighed over 15,000 pounds and measured an insane 36 feet in length the largest ever recorded was a little over 40 feet making this an exceptional specimen and one of the largest ever found although it was a little on the lean side with the average weight of a whale shark coming in at around nineteen thousand kilograms some claims have been made that whale sharks over fifty feet long are not uncommon but none have yet been officially verified while this is still somewhat small compared to other giant creatures such as the giant squid it’s still worthy of note the fish is so big that a group of people are even able to stand upright on top of it while they try to get the ropes in the right place that’s a lot of pulp although those workers are pretty bold to be standing there that would certainly be a weird sensation even with the whale shark dead it’s sad to think that people still actively hunt these magnificent creatures with this case being even worse because it was cool accidental it’s a good thing however that these giants aren’t a threat to humans or we have a serious problem on our hands when it came down to what to do with the whale sharks you’d rather not think about number two black sea hair slugs are pretty gross right they don’t seem to offer much and leave a trail of disgusting mucus wherever they go plus they can be hell on your flowerbeds sea slugs we want to say are even worse they move far more quickly and grow to disturbing sizes underwater if you’re like us you can’t stand it this next video features the guy who seems to enjoy these weird giants Aaron Sanchez is a tide pool expert which means he likes to run around on the coast looking for odd creatures and other crocodile hunter s exploits in this video is looking for black sea hares which can weigh up to 30 pounds and are basically enormous black sea slugs the host named coyote gets way too excited when aaron spots a sea hare and dashes over for a closer look taking things even further he picks it up for everyone to see and reveals a black mass of something if you are looking for evidence of alien life on earth this would probably feature in your catalog the black sea hare is disgusting and while somewhat resembling a snail or slug really looks out of this world moving it around in his hands you’d get a sense that this animal is straight out of a horror movie Prometheus rings a bell here and we wouldn’t want anything to do with it thankfully these things aren’t found all over the place unless you live along the west coast in which you’ll probably be familiar with them they’re called sea hares because of their antennae like appendages which are said to look like rabbit ears we don’t see much rabbit in this bizarre animal but we’re gonna take that in stride we’re honestly too busy being grossed out while being unable to look away if this mass ever came at us while we were swimming we’d have a heart attack right then and there we’re sure this species of sea slug on some others doesn’t move very fast even in the water but we wouldn’t be willing to test that theory in practice when placed side by side with another species of sea slug you can immediately see that the black sea hare is an absolute Goliath of the slug world these guys also sometimes squirt ink much like a squid when provokes are attacked but the black sea hare thankfully isn’t able to completely douse you as it doesn’t produce any ink itself number one deep blue the most ferocious giant on our list today deep blue is a great white shark estimated to be around 20 feet in length with a fiery attitude the great white revealed herself to the world off the coast of Guadalupe Island in Mexico during a cage diving expedition cameramen inside the cage were astounded by her sheer size and said that even though they knew they were probably safe they were definitely a touch worried during the ordeal everything went off without a hitch and even if they did have jitters so you can’t really tell the footage they captured has been incredibly informative and a huge benefit for anyone interested in shark research it turns out that deep blue was pregnant at the time of the attack adding to her size that being said a 20-foot great white no matter how big is still able to cause some serious damage many times over great whites usually only reach around 15 feet in length with a mass of around 5,000 pounds meaning deep blue is well over average she’s also fairly old with estimates putting her at around 50 years which is impressive to say the least we haven’t heard much about deep blue since the footage shot in 2013 and released in 2015 we can’t wait to find out more about this giant ocean predator in the near future there’s every chance that we might never see her again with the ocean being as large as it is sharks are protected in the area where deep blue was first discovered meaning that she does stand a better chance of avoiding poachers but shark migratory patterns crisscross the globe taking her to more hostile or hard-to-reach environments hope you enjoyed the video folks if you did make sure you click that subscribe button before you head out if you’re new that’s all you have to do come on click I know you want to oh and if you enjoyed the video drop a like inur’d it gives you superpowers in the future or something thank you so much for watching and I’ll see you on the next video [Music]