
5 Unknown Creatures Caught In People’s Backyard!

who knows what lurks in the deepest recesses of your backyard all sorts of strange creatures have been cropping up in backyards all over the world with plenty of video evidence to back up some of the more bizarre events these five unknown creatures caught in people’s backyard are some of the stranger sightings and are currently blowing up online we’ll leave the final judgment call up to you presenting the facts as we know them so you can let your imaginations run wild before we begin make sure you hit that subscribe button to get notified every day for more amazing content with that being said let’s begin number five bandicoot sighting one woman living in Toowoomba Australia caught sight of a very strange creature indeed known only to a small amount of people in the world with most of those situated in Australia the Bandicoot is a very strange animal if we’re being completely honest we would have no clue what this thing was if it crossed our path and we’d probably be left thinking that we’ve mistakenly discovered a new species this isn’t the case here with the creature definitely being known to science still it’s an interesting specimen and not one that very many people have ever caught a glimpse of especially in the wild the creature in question is called a Bandicoot which many gamers will liken to the video game character Crash Bandicoot crash is pretty outgoing which is completely off from his real-world counterparts bandicoot’s are shy creatures that overwhelmingly keep to themselves rarely making their way into areas of human habitation as civilization expands and space becomes more scarce down under in Australia we can expect to see more of these sightings which doesn’t really bode well for the elusive creatures the animal was captured on video by a camera that was set up in a tuba back yard and posted to YouTube by a user going by the name of Taine’s creek trail camera which is quite fitting it goes without saying that Toowoomba is a relatively secluded spot that’s also located at the furthest fringes of Australian society and right at the edge of an abundance of bushland a spokesperson from the department of heritage and protection has said that many people are still unaware that these creatures live alongside them with the Bandicoot being incredibly shy and wary of people this Bandicoot had been determined to either be a northern brown Bandicoot or a long nosed Bandicoot although officials haven’t been able to sufficiently determine what variety it is for certain due to the fact that the footage was taken at night and it isn’t terribly high-quality although it is clear enough to prove that this isn’t in fact a hoax bandicoot sometimes make their way into suburban environments to hunt for the larva of scarab beetles known as lawn grubs which is actually a benefit for people because the grubs are known to kill lawn grass after munching away at its roots the little critter is definitely cute and we have to admit that we’d be very happy owning one of our own that’s probably not in the cards however as bandicoot’s are actually a protected species in Australia number 4 strange sighting in Quebec a video is surfaced from Quebec that seems to show us strange creature hiding behind a tree in the middle of the night filmed just outside Montreal this video is definitely a little creepy to say the least the user who uploaded this video is no stranger to conspiracy videos with other uploads featuring such creatures as aliens ghosts and Bigfoot not to mention numerous UFO sightings this leads us to believe that the video is probably a hoax because let’s face it that’s a lot of strange activity for one person to be witnessed too assuming for a moment that the backstory is true he says that he heard some strange noises in his yard one night deciding that he simply had to check it out he pulled out his trusty Nexus 4 smartphone and began recording as he stepped outside to get a closer look at whatever was making the noise he said he initially thought it sounded like a wounded animal which is a pretty legitimate reason to go sneaking around we know that we wouldn’t stand by as a helpless animal sat there in pain so we should applaud him for at least caring enough to take a look after a little bit of wandering around his vegetable garden which we have to say does include a nice mix of greens he starts heading towards a lightly wooded area further back he came armed with a flashlight to illuminate his find but he certainly didn’t expect to see a ghostly face staring back at him from behind a tree that’s exactly what he came face-to-face with after a few minutes of wandering around with the figure totally startling our cameraman and forcing him to unleash a minor string of obscenities that we won’t repeat here it’s hard to see right off the bat but if you slow the footage down it’s clear that a white-faced figure is hiding behind a tree and watching him approach he said that he was terrified but decided to run towards the creature because he really wanted to know what it was the face looks skeletal in nature and definitely isn’t human but also doesn’t resemble any animal that we know about it takes off through the woods never showing itself again but that spooky face assuming it wasn’t a friend of the cameraman lying in wait is enough to send chills up our spines and make us think twice about heading into the woods alone at night not that we really care to do that anyway number three Bigfoot in Kentucky one homeowner in Kentucky has caused an uproar on the internet with a ton of people weighing in from all over the world the animal does look very much like we’d expect from a gorilla except for the glaringly obvious issue that gorillas don’t run around the woods of Kentucky at least not that we know of we assume if there were any gorillas out there then we’d have more evidence although we could also say the same thing about Bigfoot the internet seems convinced however that this is absolute proof that Bigfoot is out there seemingly closer than anyone ever expected many people have said that the animal could just be an out-of-focus black bear but we agree with the majority of commenters when they say that this thing probably isn’t a bear its limbs are elongated but still enormous with the head being much too small to be that of any bear species we know about the shot was taken by an amateur hunter who set up the camera to help him determine the best spot to hunker down and wait for prey to pass by the guy who took the picture has also mentioned that his brother-in-law suggested that it could even be a plastic bag blowing in the wind but he think that’s maybe a little far-fetched the vegetation in the area was supposedly trampled down with tree branches in the area being snapped like twigs and other plant life smashed into the ground the hunters name is Kenny Maloney and he has stated that he’s hesitant to call this a Bigfoot sighting needing further evidence before he’s able to make a judgment call on the identity of the creature we think that’s a safe bet but many people are throwing caution to the wind saying that this could easily be the clearest photo of Bigfoot yet who knows what kind of mythical creatures our side in the deep woods of the u.s. it goes without saying that many animals we thought were extinct have ended up turning up in some of the most unlikely areas with there being more than enough space to hide a creature who doesn’t want to be found Kenny’s wife Margaret agrees with her husband’s reservations and has sent the photo to a local wildlife expert to get their professional opinion before making any wild assumptions we can’t be sure what this is because we’re no experts on the subject of wild animals but we do hope that Margaret’s expert is able to make some sort of classification for now the Internet is convinced it has to be Bigfoot with many people saying that this is irrefutable proof that he exists well we’ve heard that line before and we’re happy to wait it out and see what eventually comes of this photo which we have to admit is definitely worth a closer look number two Memphis mystery when a man in Memphis Tennessee heard an animal tearing up his lawn he rushed out to scare it off that’s when he came face-to-face with whatever this thing is he’s never seen anything like it and neither of lis with just about everyone who’s weighed in so far having a different theory some have claimed that it could be an albino raccoon or an albino fox we personally think that it definitely looks quite raccoon like an appearance but don’t know enough about it to make any assumptions either way whatever it is it definitely looks cool and we’d love to have one as a pet assuming it’s not dangerous the man who found the creature Calvin Lee has said that he really doesn’t care what it is and that he just wants someone to take it off his hands not surprisingly however not many people want to get too close and he’s having a hard time getting rid of it it turns out that albino raccoons are actually quite common which is something we wouldn’t have expected with many of them having issues in the wild because they’re bright white coat makes it almost impossible to blend in with its surroundings the local police department and apex have stated that they won’t pick the animal up prompting Calvin to call his local news station to try to find a home for the Beast after a few days of not being sure what was gonna happen to the animal Calvin’s wife ended up releasing it on a nearby country road leaving the animal to fend for itself we definitely would have been up for a little road trip to pick this thing up and take it home with us and we can only hope that it’s able to survive on its own hopefully its coat doesn’t cause too many problems in the long run and we wish this mystery creature the best of luck going forward number 1 hairless mystery creature another mystery that hails from the state of Kentucky this beast wasn’t captured alive unfortunately it seems that it wandered into the backyard of one mark kotharan who pulled out his rifle and shot it dead on the spot he said that he did so because he didn’t recognize it and was scared about what it could possibly be the creature had gray wrinkly skin and was completely hairless he said that he initially thought it was some form of hairless cat only realizing when he got up close that this thing wasn’t actually a cat at all commenters online seemed to be convinced that it’s a chupacabra but we think it’s much too small to make that kind of leap mark has stated that he thinks it’s some kind of wild animal that’s native to the area but lost its hair after suffering from some sort of disease an expert from the Louisville Zoo has stated that they can’t make any guesses just from the picture but that the animal is probably a raccoon or dog that lost its fur for one reason or another we do think that shooting the poor thing was a bit harsh but we really can’t knock mark for being safe rather than sorry if it is a chupacabra then he probably made a good call and we also support putting the animal down if it had been sick which seems to be a more likely scenario hope you enjoyed the video folks if you did make sure you click that subscribe button before you head out if you’re new that’s all you have to do come on just click I know you want to oh and if you enjoyed the video drop a like inur’d it gives you superpowers in the future or something thank you so much for watching and I’ll see you on the next video

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