all kids are special but some kids are more special than others some kids are so unique you won’t believe they’re real but they are these are 20 kids you won’t believe actually exist [Music] number 20 Ramesh Kumari your heart can’t help but break for the 14 year old boy slowly turning into stone Ramesh Kumari from baglung Nepal has a rare and absolutely debilitating condition called ichthyosis that causes his body to be covered in hard flaky scales because of the condition his body is essentially Frozen and his limbs are twisted into different shapes he’s unable to talk and daily life is almost impossible for the young team Ramesh started showing signs of the condition at just two weeks old when his skin started to peel off Nu Skin began to grow in its place but it was thick hard and turning black no one knew what to do about it and no one helped to say that life is challenging for Ramesh and his parents Nara Ananda is an understatement ramesh’s mother Nar stays home to care for Ramesh and he can only let her know when he needs to use the toilet or is hungry according to Nanda he also used to sit and cry but they didn’t know how to help him but things started looking up for Ramesh in 2016 singer Joss Stone heard about Ramesh when she was due to perform a gig in Nepal and saw videos of him struggling to walk knowing the family couldn’t afford medical care for Ramesh she raised funds through a concert and was able to help him receive treatment at Kathmandu Medical Center like this video smash the Subscribe button and click the notification Bell right now or this centipede will crawl on your face when you’re sleeping number 19. Charlotte Garside five-year-old children are pretty tiny but one five-year-old girl was even smaller than the rest Charlotte Garside was born with a very rare form of primordial dwarfism which means she’s no bigger than a newborn baby weighs less than nine pounds and stands at just 26.77 inches tall Charlotte’s favorite soft toy is larger than her and she still wears clothes for newborn babies even the family cat is larger than her but based on a news article published in 2012 Charlotte is a happy boisterous girl and her parents are determined to give her a normal life so they enrolled her school where she could socialize with peers of her own age Charlotte’s condition is so rare that doctors didn’t have a name for it and warned her that she might die before her first birthday when she was a baby her parents carried her around in the front pocket of their hoodies and put her in nappies the size of a credit card they even dressed her in doll’s clothes before eventually she was large enough for her newborn clothing because Charlotte has cysts on her liver and a weakened immune system her mental and physical development are delayed but even at five years old she still had the learning age of a three-year-old Which is higher than her parents thought they knew that there are many unknowns but love watching Charlotte thrive number 18 and she in 2011 the world learned about and she an eight-year-old boy from China’s Jilin Province who was born with hair growing down one side of his face as he got older his hair got longer and he was the subject of cruel taunts by his classmates some of the children call him monkey or hairy boy and you can only imagine how sad that must make him to say and she has had it tough is an understatement his father Ann fengland died when Angie was just four years old he now lives with his grandparents because his mother has epilepsy and mental illness knowing that many challenges that Angie faces a psychologist has been found to help him and he’s even been offered free treatment at the ji Lin Ming Yi plastic surgery Hospital there haven’t been any updates on Angie since articles were first published on his case in 2011. he’d now be around 20 years old and we hope he’s found his place in the world number 17. Vincent o catch our health systems aren’t perfect and if you live in America you might even describe them as a dumpster fire but for all their flaws at least you probably wouldn’t have to live with the same devastating medical condition as Vincent o’catch from Pita Uganda Vincent is believed to have been born with a lymphatic problem that has caused his legs to swell up they were so swollen that they weighed more than him and he had to wear dresses and skirts for girls which other kids teased him about he lost the ability to walk and faced amputation as his condition worsened the problem was that medical professionals didn’t know how to treat him and only basic health care was available where he lived Vincent’s parents identified an issue when he was just a baby but didn’t have enough money to take him to a clinic after seeking care later local doctors believe Vincent who was 10 years old when an article was published about his plight in 2012 at a flesh-eating condition called fasciitis Dr Isaac osiri appealed to British experts to help with a diagnosis and medical treatment so they could possibly avoid amputation and save Vincent’s life when Dr osiri took Vincent to a hospital in developed they thought Vincent had a faulty lymphatic system tissue deformity and elephantiasis they also identified a dislocated hip and broken ankles since the swelling was now affecting his bones sadly before surgeons could operate on him he developed a strange disease that resulted in heart failure and his subsequent death number 16 Manar majeed Manar Majid was an Egyptian girl born with a rare congenital disability called cranopagus This is caused by an embryo splitting into identical twins but not completing the process usually when this happens the second undeveloped twin will form as a trunk or extra limb but Manara was different her twin formed as a second head attached to her skull the twin could smile blink and respond to stimuli but she had no organs for life which meant she wouldn’t have an independent life they have separated when Manar turned 10 months old she underwent a 13-hour long surgical procedure with a surgical team of 13 to remove her twin surgeons said even just surviving the operation was a big achievement that her mother would be able to take her home when she’s capable of taking care of her while there were complications they were quietly confident Manara was one of approximately seven children born with this condition just the second to have surgery to remove the twin and the only one to survive however even though she survived the surgery Minar did unfortunately die at 2 two years old she was rushed to the hospital with a fever where they discovered a brain infection that she wasn’t able to fight number 15. Tessa Evans it’s hard to believe that you can be born without the essentials for life but you can be Tessa Evans from County Derry Northern Ireland was born without a nose this condition is called congenital Arena and means she not only has no nose but also no sense of smell or sinus cavities Tessa’s parents Nathan and grain said come into terms with her condition when she was born was difficult they had to watch Tessa be tube fed because she had a tracheostomy tube sticking out of her neck they also had to learn about her condition as they went including the dangers Tessa faced for example as she had no sense of smell she couldn’t sense if something was dangerous such as burning or rotten food however things are looking up for Tessa she had her first 3D printed implant fitted under her skin at two years old the first in the world and a second larger one fitted at four years old however this one was removed due to infection and a new implant was going to be inserted the following year there were plans for Tessa to receive larger implants every two years and the now eight-year-old says she can’t wait for her new nose because it was gonna make her real really happy number 14. Deepak paswan Deepak paswan was born in one of the most impoverished states of India with four legs and four arms and his doctors didn’t think he would survive they had a limited understanding of disabilities and of General lack of medical care for infants born with defects however Deepak did survive and he became a healthy happy boy apart from the fact that he had a parasitic twin attached to his chest life was fairly frustrating for a Deepak and his family though his mother indu and father varesh say that Hindu pilgrims would visit their home and worship him as a Vishnu God reincarnation it was often depicted with multiple limbs they are uncomfortable with the attention and how people offer them money sweets and fruit for divine blessings boresh said that while the pilgrims are well-meaning they aren’t in favor of earning money by letting people worship their son they simply wanted an operation so their son could have a normal body and life those wishes were granted in 2015. a Bangalore Hospital offered to do the procedure for free and after a successful operation and counseling he would go on to live a normal life number 13. Didier Montalvo Diddy a Montalvo from Colombia was an ordinary boy who wanted to do ordinary kid things like kick a ball around and play with his friends but children bullied him and villagers ostracized him because he had a rare condition called congenital melanocytic Nevis people even called him turtle boy because the illness resulted in a large shell-like growth on his back it was the worst case many medical professionals had ever seen since it weighed around 20 percent of his body weight and took up three quarters of his body’s circumference fortunately for Didier medical professionals from the UK were ready to step in and help UK plastic surgeon Neil bolstrud flew to pagoda in Colombia to work with other surgeons to remove the birthmark by this point it had grown so large that there were fears it might One Day become malignant after its removal they performed a series of skin grafts and also connected him with other families with children experiencing the same condition as him Didier was even able to visit the UK and stay with a South American Family whose four-year-old son had the same thing and they built up a real friendship and bond now that the growth is gone Diddy a will be able to live a healthy full life number 12. Muhammad kaleem Muhammad kaleem was once known as the boy with the world’s biggest hands at just eight years old Muhammad’s hands measured 33 centimeters or 13 inches and weighed 2 Stone between them he’d struggled to perform basic functions like wearing his own clothes eating and taking baths as his family lived in an impoverished part of India they couldn’t afford to pay doctors to help in a local Village Hospital wasn’t able to diagnose him sadly Muhammad didn’t just have to deal with oversized hands caused by local gigantism or macrodactially but the rumors and bullying that came with them he was bullied by kids and adults alike when people even called him the Devil’s Child even a family member said there was no treatment for Muhammad because he’s the Devil’s Child he said his parents must have committed a wrong deed at some point in their life schools even turned him down for admission things are now looking up for Muhammad after International publicity the family was introduced to a pioneering hand surgeon Dr Raja sabapathi who started putting a plan together to help Muhammad the goal was to debulk the forearm and hand areas before performing further surgeries to reduce the growth plates and prevent future growth number 11. Milagros Cerrone mermaid syndrome or cyrenomilia is a rare congenital disorder affecting about one in Sixty thousand to one hundred thousand babies born it results in lower spine and lower limb deformities including partial or total leg Fusion kidney problems and gastrointestinal issues some children might also be born with no feet or tailbone along with other developmental issues as a result of these severe complications most babies born with mermaid syndrome die within hours of birth but not Milagros serone sheep beat the odds and even learned to walk after surgeon separated her legs sadly she passed away at age 15 while waiting for a kidney transplant according to her lead surgeon Dr Luis Rubio most children with sirenomilia are stillborn or survive the first 24 hours before passing away he said they managed to give Milagros 15 years of life Milagros only had one kidney and was being treated for chronic issues with it according to reports she passed away from a brain hemorrhage caused by her kidney problems milagros’s father said she was a smart joyful girl who smiled a lot and was an angel to him number 10. 10 Young in 2013 the world learned about the sad story of panjinyang an 80 year old boy from China who people called fish boy because he had itchy scales covering every inch of his body pan suffers from ichthyosis which is the ancient Greek word for fish it’s a rare and inherited skin disease that can only be managed not cured every day is a challenge for pan the skin condition affects his ability to sweat which results in overheating and a high risk of secondary skin infections the skin scales have also altered the shapes of his ears thighs nose and mouth while also limiting limb movement the only relief pan gets is from cold water or a medicinal cream being poured over his body otherwise he’s kept awake at night by the constant urge to scratch Pan’s mother is desperate and all she wants is for her son to be able to go to school without unbearable pain and the constant need to scratch at his skin she urged doctors in the Eastern Chinese province of Wan Ling to find a remedy for him number nine Verdon Joshi verdict Joshi runs plays and looks like any other child but then you see his right foot and you notice something different unlike his left foot which is in proportion to his body his right foot weighs 12 pounds and continues to grow with age verdant Joshi lives with his sister and parents in Gujarat Western India and has been bullied his entire life over his condition even though he can run and walk normally he’s still ostracized and isn’t even allowed to go to school verdon’s parents have taken him to many doctors and Specialists they haven’t been able to provide an answer for the family some even suggest they just amputate his leg even though that would disable him for the rest of his life verdant said children laugh at him for not running fast and don’t ask him to play cricket and football so he spends his days confined to his two-room home and instead of playing with other children he has to be content playing with his mother and baby sister British woman Mandy sellers was also born with abnormally large legs and received a diagnosis of A congenital disorder called Proteus syndrome there’s no known cure and it’s a possibility that verdant has this same condition number eight Kong was born to a farming family in zhangtan City China even after three ultrasound scans and one Doppler scan during ye lionsi’s pregnancy at age 23. doctors didn’t pick up on a rare birth facial defect called transverse facial cleft the deformity left the baby looking like he had two faces and the media referred to him as mask boy doctors avoided showing ye her baby when he was born and she was devastated when she saw him for the first time she was shattered and puzzled by the defect and her family’s acquaintances even suggested that they should just throw the child away as they lived in an impoverished and traditional rural Village neighbors looked down upon their family for their son and they were often teased after ye took our son to a military Hospital in Changsha for treatment they received an outpouring of support and media coverage donations started flowing in for the family and they were able to afford expensive surgical procedures to help his facial bones grow normally no stories have been published about Zhao for several years so it’s unknown whether he went on to have a regular face medical professionals said it might take around a decade for them to know for sure number seven blue Howe in 2011 Lou Howe was a four-year-old tot who was a constant source of worry for his parents at just four years old he weighed 136 pounds and Chinese media had dubbed him the number one fat kid in the world Lou was five times the size of children his own age but he would eat three bowls of rice for dinner daily his parents Liu Yen Chung and Chen Yuan are confused about why it grown so big pamped her way in just 5.7 pounds when he was born they said his weight started to balloon at three months old and his appetite was insatiable no matter how much they restrict his diet or get him moving he keeps piling on the weight in a single year he had gained about 22 pounds his parents do everything they can to keep him active including playing basketball swimming and restricting his diet but the activities just make him even hungrier his parents are now worried that he’ll be bullied when he becomes more self-aware and his heart might even fail Lou and Chen have taken luau to three hospitals where it once said he had a tumor in his head and two said he didn’t they noted that his hormones were at a normal level and that diet might be to blame after the media learned about Lou how a Hong Kong weight loss clinic offered to treat him for free from that point we’re unsure of what became of Lou number six drama Haruna Rama Haruna spent nearly her entire life in a plastic bucket the 19 year old from Nigeria had a mysterious health condition that resulted in her limbs not growing from six months old when photojournalists took a photo of her and posted it on social media the world came to learn Rama’s story they discovered that Rama experienced chronic pain daily and her family would carry her around in her plastic bucket to keep her upright her brother Fahad would even take her with him to beg for handouts even though Rama had this severe disability that didn’t stop her from having hopes and dreams she wanted to start her own business one day like a grocery store where people could buy anything they wanted sadly the very same photojournalist who brought Rama to the attention of the world also alerted us to her passing Rama passed away on Christmas Day 2016. number five darina Spengler darina Spengler from Russia was born without half her face when her mother Elena saw her for the first time after giving birth medical professionals suggested that she leave her there family members even disowned darina as their relative the little happy girl was born without lips or a chin but it wasn’t gonna be that way forever in 2019 she underwent a substantial 11-hour operation in the UK one of many more to come to give her a sense of normalcy she was even able to smile for the first time at six years old darina had encountered her fair share of life challenges Not only was she ostracized and bullied by children and adults alike but she also had problems eating and speaking but her parents are grateful for everything surgeons have done for her so far she was treated at Great Ormond Street hospital by surgeon’s Professor David Dunaway and Dr Nadeem Saeed and they made her a job and introduced more skin into her neck after her surgery her parents said their daughter has now learned to laugh they would now be fundraising for the next stage of surgery which would involve constructing a lip Bend upper jaw number four Evan fasciano life can be incredibly tough for Evan fasciano from Goshen Connecticut who was just five years old when reporters shared his story with the world Heaven has Harlequin ichthyosis the genetic disorder that causes scales across his entire body and he has the very worst form of the disease Evan is at constant risk of infection and eats two baths daily to scrub the scales from his skin it grows at 10 times the average rate and if he didn’t bathe twice daily the scales would be thicker and harder to get off after bath time either is Mother Dede or dad Joe has to cover his skin and moisturizer to protect it from dryness before applying a prescription emollient in Troublesome spots this emollient protects from cracking ripping and dryness if his skin were to dry out it would put him at risk of dehydration which might lead to sunstroke and seizures Evan is at risk of overheating since he can’t sweat even though Evan rarely complains it’s clear to see he’s often uncomfortable he finds it difficult to close his eyes since the skin around his eyes is so tight and he also has issues with his motorcycle skills so he uses a walking frame fortunately Evan otherwise leads a relatively normal life he goes to school and has an excellent support network of friends and family number three Jackson Buell Jackson Buell was born without about 80 percent of his brain doctors didn’t think he would survive his first year but he celebrated five birthdays before passing away peacefully in hospital care Jackson’s parents Brandon and Brittany found out that something was wrong with their son at their 17-week scan while they were given the option to terminate in Florida for medical reasons up to 24 weeks they decided to proceed with the pregnancy knowing that Jackson wasn’t in any pain Jackson was born severely disabled and was diagnosed with micro hydrogen encephaly this means that his brain tissue is replaced with fluid and that most of his brain never formed he does have a functioning brain stem to help him breathe on his own and help his organs to function but there wasn’t much hope that he’d be able to talk or walk independently as a baby he suffered from mild seizures and didn’t like baths all that much but Brittany and Brandon said he was like any other baby he would play Smile Giggle and would teeth and get cranky like other babies by the time he was five years old Jackson couldn’t communicate in census but he could say Mommy and Addie and even though people always thought Jackson wouldn’t be able to smile laugh learn or even see or hear he was able to do all of those things in his short life number two Robert Hogue when Robert Hoge was born his mother Mary wrote in her diary that she wished he would go away or die she told the hospital staff she didn’t want Robert men wouldn’t take him home under any circumstances she felt nothing for her baby and it made up her mind that she wasn’t taking him home and that’s because Robert had been born with two severely mangled legs and a tumor in the middle of his face doctors believed that an antidepressant Mary had taken while pregnant had caused the defects so Mary and her husband returned home without their newborn baby but when she got home she started second guessing her decision and talked to her for other children she asked them to vote on whether they should bring Robert home and they all said yes his childhood wasn’t what you would call Easy he experienced surgery after surgery to remove the tumor and ended up with facial deformities as a result he was also bullied at school and called names like Stumpy toenos toothpick legs and Pinocchio later Robert was given the opportunity to reconstruct his nose bring his eyes closer together and fill in the dents on the side of his head but there was a high chance that he could go blind while he considered it his brother said what’s the point in being pretty if you can’t even see yourself so he declined and he’s LED an incredible life Robert became a journalist and a spokesperson for an Australian politician and he even carried the Olympic torch before the summer games held in Sydney he’s also been married twice and has two daughters number one Abigail Lynn when Christina fell pregnant with Abigail Lynn she decided to put her up for adoption she didn’t feel like she was in a position to raise a child having already raised one daughter now 18 and the baby’s father was nowhere to be seen she was also living in a trailer park at the end of her pregnancy Christina found the perfect adoptive parents in Georgia and it looked like everything would work out however when Abigail was born in 2016 she was diagnosed with a rare condition called Treacher Collins syndrome resulting in some of her critical facial structures being underdeveloped this condition had not been picked up in ultrasounds or amniocentesis Treacher Collins syndrome affects bone development and facial tissue and signs and symptoms can vary from nearly unnoticeable to severe people with Treacher Collins syndrome often have very small jaws and shins and underdeveloped facial bones some also have a cleft palate when her adoptive parents saw Abigail they fled the hospital and were never seen again her adoptive mother said that Abigail was not what they had hoped for the adoption agency was appalled at the adoptive parents reaction so rather than go through with the adoption Christina decided to keep her and now she couldn’t imagine life without her you can’t help but feel sorry for some of these kids especially when they didn’t ask to have these unique characteristics traits and illnesses do you have a rare feature characteristic or illness that no one else you know has tell us your experiences in the comments also check out our other cool stuff showing up on screen right now see you next time