
15 Times Humans Messed With The Wrong Animals

humans have a silly habit of trying to boss animals and treat them poorly humans sometimes forget that they are mere inhabitants of the earth not its rulers sometimes that arrogance can get the better of us and it definitely got the better of the people in this video these are times humans messed with the wrong animals too number 15 don’t mess with monkeys in general it’s not that advisable to feed wildlife but with macaques if you hand them the food too slowly they might even attack you they’ll keep asking for more food even if you gave them all of it monkeys have their own hierarchy so the rest of the group will come along so watch out for the alpha males those larger and hairy monkeys are most likely to turn aggressive especially if they feel their alpha status is threatened he’ll even go and investigate what’s happening so if a macoque is showing you his teeth don’t smile back he ain’t smiling if you’re taking pictures don’t show them their own reflection in your camera lens they will also get more aggressive if they grab your dslr’s rope your shiny sunglasses or your wallet don’t fight them unless you’re chuck norris and if you’re not chuck norris and you still have to fight them remember they fight dirty they won’t let go and just a scratch or bite from a monkey will require immediate medical attention and most likely a few rabies shots so if you really have to just make yourself larger and bigger using your arms don’t go down to their level keep your aggressive posture facing the monkey and slowly walk back like this video smash the subscribe button and click the notification bell right now or this centipede will crawl on your face when you’re sleeping now it’s time for the odd topic this shocking footage shows why you should never mess with lions although really we feel like most people should already know that the clip filmed in a taipei zoo shows what happens when a man we simply have to call crazy decided to enter a lion cage as you can imagine the big cats swiped giving the man no choice but to frantically stumble back after he did they lunged for him biting teeth chomping into his leg this man was very very lucky to have come out of this encounter alive as always comment down below with the hashtag oddtopic and let us know your opinion in relation to what we just showed on screen with that said let’s keep things moving number 14 don’t mess with a kangaroo kangaroos are very interesting and intriguing animals they’re definitely not to be messed around with and they are much better at jumping and boxing than it being friendly this australian marsupial has a tail that is literally used as a third leg for extra balance and jumping support you have to understand that all kangaroos regularly jump over 1.5 meters high red kangaroos can go up to 3 meters and if you’re still not that impressed then you haven’t met roger yet rescued as a baby by the kangaroo sanctuary in alice springs australia he grew up to 2 meters high and 90 kilograms of pure muscle in his free time he likes kickboxing with humans and crushing metal container covers with his bare hands [Applause] literally i mean when you see his super ripped body with those muscular abs arms and pecs he’ll make you question even your gym routine and don’t even get me started on your leg day remember that third leg well it also allows roger to use both his legs at the same time especially for a coordinated double kick then if he’s running he’ll use it to cover more ground and increase his speed to reach 60 kilometers an hour so unless you’re the jcvd or usain bolt try avoiding messing with roger or any kangaroo number 13 angry ram versus ryder have you ever heard the expression as gentle as a lamb well that might apply to lambs but for sure it doesn’t concern the rams they might look fluffy and even majestic with those mesmerizing horns but believe you me you will change your mind after an encounter with rambo the crazy ram from new zealand the first time rambo was caught on camera it was in the wilderness during his lunch time and let me tell you already it didn’t end well for that drone twice the owner obviously went looking for his drone but ended up facing rambo as well as soon as he got to the crash site the ram was already waiting for him and to make sure we all knew whose territory this is rambo took two steps back put his head down his horns up and kept charging the cameraman and chasing him until he made sure the human left another similar encounter with rambo was filmed later on by a dirt bike rider rambo heard the bike from far and decided to step up as a roadblock two steps back head down horns up and rambo is already charging the bike with no mercy bike and ryder are down but that doesn’t stop him he keeps charging and running after the rider that tried shouting running away i mean come on what did you expect it’s rambo number 12 when you mess with the wrong dog yes they come in all sorts of shapes and sizes they love it when you play ball with them or when you rub their bellies they love it when you talk to them with that special voice and they will always be the happiest when they see you clearly all that and more make dogs our naturally selected best friends on this planet but based on how some of us treat our best friends they definitely don’t deserve dogs in their lives like this dude who out of nowhere decided to attack this poor stray dog while he was eating okay let’s give him some credit he’s not just a stupid idiot he’s also a coward look at that sneaky flip-flop shot he tuck you think the dog didn’t sense him coming he did but he was in total trust until that miserable shoe broke the trust zone the dog jumps on the traitor who tries to free his hand from the dog’s jaw and escape by any means but the dog is not letting go he’s not biting any harder either apparently like if he was trying to give the traitor a second chance the guy seizes it and manages to run away but the dog already has the taste of betrayal so he makes sure the guy is far away from his territory you messed with the wrong dog boy number 11 don’t mess with lion king when we think about the lion king we think it means no worries for the rest of your days right well that’s probably what charles starmer smith thought at first the british journalist heard about this lion in south africa that was rescued when he was just a few days old his name is mapimpan which means little boy but i’m not sure if that was the argument that convinced charles to get in the cage with mapim pam especially knowing that the little boy is now 140 kilograms at his first year of life no fear no running and no turning back three little pieces of advice the lion expert gave charles to keep in mind even guns are no full guarantee against a lion’s phenomenal speed and power charles decided to step into the cage with the lion expert and play with mapimpan it all started fun with belly rubbing and tail waving until the lion decided to nibble charles shoe then his calf then his arm but once the lion stood up it was clear it was the end of the foreplay no running nor turning your back so the lion expert finally manages to corner the pimpan for a bit more than 10 seconds so that charles can get out of the cage get stitches and survive his playtime with the lion king number 10 don’t mess with the baby elephant big small young or old all elephants are victims of poachers but apparently some of them are victims of loneliness and all they want is to have fun this is what happened to this cameraman when he was trying to raise awareness against poachers activities despite the ivory trade ban as soon as he started filming a baby elephant of no more than 50 kilograms decides to go by showcasing his basic attacks being less than three years old the baby elephant doesn’t have those emblematic tusks but that doesn’t seem to stop him 600 times less than his maximum adult weight this baby elephant still knows that he has some fighting skills head down target locked and the baby elephant charges against the cameraman as soon as he starts speaking the camera keeps rolling and the activist keeps trying but the baby elephant keeps coming back charging at him it’s so cute and for such a good cause that the activist keeps trying to do his thing and to control the elephant but just because you could put your arms around it doesn’t mean you could control it right exactly the elephant knows it as well and that’s why it’s a lucky thing he was just playing around number nine swan mom attacks man rescuing her baby swans are pretty majestic just by their looks and peculiar posture but what most people don’t know is that swans are very protective parents and normally an adult swan protecting a younger one gets very vicious this is exactly what happened to simon cowell the founder of wildlife aid foundation who rescues animals from all sorts of situations this time he had received a call regarding a baby swan that was trapped in a fence that nobody else could help since there was an adult swan around protecting cygnet come on yeah i know i know come on you’re nearly back home when simon arrived on site he immediately saw the worried swan family waiting for help but at the same time the mom swan was on and off the water trying to figure out how to help the baby but also mostly to protect him as soon as simon approached the fence the adult swan took a defensive posture at first not knowing what’s going on the swan now sees simon’s hands on the little signet she comes up and gets closer to simon gets her wings wide open locks the target and charges simon repeatedly at this point she is so focused on protecting her baby swan that she didn’t even realize simon has already freed her and he’s bringing her back to the swan family if it wasn’t for his calmness and bravery this story would have been totally different thank you simon cowell number eight don’t mess with alpaca we all know we shouldn’t mess with alpacas and not only because they could literally kick our asses or easily outrun us with their 60 kilometer an hour speed we all know we shouldn’t mess with them because they are sneaky vicious spitters no judgment of course but in general i would say that nobody likes to be spit at right and they will do it i warned you if you don’t believe me you can ask this young lady about her lovely encounter with two alpacas it’s clear that having the fence there between them you would think there’s no risk for the girl as you can see she’s trying to pet them gently she’s not making any abrupt movements or sounds and it seems that the more she’s in contact with these alpacas the more she’s feeling it coming but that’s the thing with alpacas nobody knows exactly when they’ll strike but everybody knows that they will you can see the girls playing air dodge now but the alpacas sees it as well and apparently he loves that game and there it is stinky sneaky vicious spinner do you really thought you could dodge that one number seven camel eats treats then goes for kid these two meter giants weigh around 60 kilograms at birth and grow up to over 500 kilograms during their adult life and still once we see one of them we just want to pet them feed them and play with them that’s exactly what crossed this family’s mind when they saw a camel while driving their car with the little baby girl sitting in the front row with her father the camel sees an opportunity to grab more snacks from the family so he goes all the way around the car at the driver’s seat level and with the window a bit open the camel realizes he might have better snacks even inside the car camels are like that if they see something they’re afraid of they’ll just leave it and go their way if they don’t like a person they’ll spit on that person but this time it was nothing like that this camel got his head inside of the car for a routine check for snacks he said hi to the whole family but when there was no more food for him we’re not sure yet but he went for either kidnapping or a kid eating luckily for us they are herbivores and kind of friendly and the father had good instinct after seeing that camel’s big mouth literally trying his kid’s head number six don’t mess with chimp chimps were very often used and trained for touristic attractions perhaps that’s where they got the reputation of being docile but the truth is their domestication for these kinds of events is often done in the wrong ways as they’re quite often mistreated and used for pickpocketing tourists in this case this chimp was supposed to just take a few pictures sitting on a chair with his caretaker and a tourist but out of nowhere this 60-kilogram chimp jumped on a tourist and didn’t want to let go screaming grabbing scratching and basically holding the tourist still to the point that he couldn’t escape the champ the owner tries to help by somehow reasoning with the chimp and he probably already told the tourist that by running lying down or fighting it would make it even worse they both keep trying but nothing seems to work so far against the chimps grip and stubbornness oh wait what was that it seems the chimp is letting go now and going back to his chair like nothing happened wait what did the owner actually just negotiate with the chimp for something in exchange of the tourist’s release oh yeah there it is there you go now you know if there’s something that can fix it all it’s ice cream number five shocking moment ostrich attacks man ostriches are naturally flightless birds very important don’t confuse it with fightless because one ostriches are not fightless at all and two the word fightless doesn’t exist we all know that ostriches even took a life from the rock and they wanted even more from the rest of the crew but even if you grew up on an ostrich farm like mr van wyck here you can see it’s not easy to face or deal with an ostrich when in south africa van wyck saw this big bird coming towards them being used to being around such creatures he immediately sees that the ostrich is enraged somehow by something after telling his friends to back up the big bird jumps on him with a coordinated attack of a few kicks and packs van wyck surprised by the attack tries to stand still and to walk away without turning his back on the animal as it would make it even more dangerous for him destabilized by the attack van wyck falls down and lands on a thorn bush but it doesn’t stop the angry bird from keeping attacking luckily he immobilized the bird by grabbing its neck and legs before it could do any more damage and just in time for the bird to finally get chased away by onlookers so whether you’re van wyck the rock or even a reporter think twice before you mess with these angry birds number four man jumps into panda den gets attacked by giant panda cute fluffy cuddly lazy ball of fur that’s what first comes to mind when we think about pandas that and kung fu of course that is exactly the theory that this chinese man tried to prove by the looks of it one day he just decided to get even closer to the panda staying in the chinese nan chang zoo the panda was totally sleeping but that didn’t stop the man from jumping over the fence and joining the animal in his den the 100 kilogram creature was actually asleep but the man kept waving at it and petting it on the head as there was no reaction from the panda at first the man didn’t stop until it was too late the giant panda woke up and quickly jumped on the man’s leg to grab it and tried to immobilize the intruder on the ground the man can move away now regardless of his numerous efforts he even tries not to hurt the panda with any kicks or punches but it’s too late the panda already has control over the situation and even started biting the intruder after a long struggle the man suddenly breaks free and seizes the opportunity to run away from the dead not sure if that was wrestling or kung fu but panda won man zero number three don’t mess with roosters roosters aren’t just good at making you chase them or waking you up in the morning without the snooze button they’re also very protective of their hens and they will not hesitate to fight for them for their food and even for their territory it might not seem like it but other than the attitude and the courage roosters have a special secret weapon that they use more often than you would expect the pointy gross looking like claws on the back of each leg is very sharp and can sometimes even be deadly these two spurs are used by roosters to defend themselves from all sorts of predators like cats dogs and even hawks but it also happens often that roosters attack humans and even their caretakers with those spurs and with no mercy usually roosters don’t go crazy on people unless they’re missing a few things like pens food water shelter etc but when they do attack remember never turn your back on them don’t bend or lie down and protect your calves for punctures and wounds number two april the hormonal giraffe kicks the vet after a period of gestation of over 15 months april the giraffe finally gave birth to her new baby giraffe just a few minutes of life later on this planet the newborn’s already on its feet already 1.8 meters tall and with around 70 kilograms at birth the new baby doesn’t realize it yet but it has a fearless role model of a mom april is already familiar with the zoo in upstate new york but after an abnormally long gestation period she finally gave birth under the watch of the zoo personnel the vet and the whole internet but as soon as the vet entered her enclosure to bring them some food and to do his due diligence april wasn’t as peaceful as usual you can clearly see the vet knows how delicate this moment is so he keeps petting her to calm her down so far so good vet that’s it oh wait don’t go there vet just leave the baby alone oops too late there it is april is now pissed she doesn’t want you near her baby yep that’s what the first kick was for the second as well why are you still here vet didn’t you get the message okay so let me try again with another kick for sure it will show you the door number one never turn your back on big cats when it comes to big cats it’s always crucial to never ever turn your back on them most big cat species start with the same technique to hunt their prey the controlled and recorded experiment shot by an experienced park ranger from big cat rescue proves this theory as they were all in their cages the park ranger approached the big cats and while filming it from different angles he took a knee and turned his back to his new predators the ranger knows the deal and we can see it clearly on the video how each big cat saw him as an easier prey once he stood in that position all these predators hunt their prey by silently sneaking and stalking them from a distance until they gain a favorable position for their deadly jump you can clearly see these beautiful and magnificent creatures playing it cool like nothing happened as soon as the ranger stands up and or looks back at them not sure if that’s their cute amnesic and playful side or if it’s definitely like they were pretending nothing was going on so you don’t know what’s their mo nevertheless one piece of advice that even this kid understands clearly after his visit at the zoo never turn your back on big cats i don’t know about you but i had no idea that so many animals have so much spark in them what about you have you ever had a spicy encounter with an animal tell us about it also check out our other cool stuff showing up on screen right now see you next time [Music]

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