we know how certain animals behave we know the things they think and do cats me out dogs play with sticks but sometimes animals Break The Rules then surprise us these are 20 animals who did things and surprised everyone [Music] number 20 a Praying Pig when a 150 kilogram or 330 pound pig escaped its pen on a farm you might think it would race towards a rural area and Frolic in some Fields looking for food or something but this pig did something that surprised the whole world instead of seeking out greener pastures it headed to a temple in Eastern China and what it did there will have you shook it was discovered kneeling on its forelimbs almost like it was praying it apparently stayed like that for a long time only leaving when monks chanted a Buddhist scripture to it pictures of the pig went viral and people wondered whether the pig was seeking a pilgrimage for a Chinese New Year blessing although most people simply believed the pig was having a rest after its Great Escape From A Farm or was looking for food even the praying position might have a logical explanation one commenter said the pig might have a vitamin E deficiency which presents as being unable to stand on all four legs the owner was found and it was revealed that the pig had escaped its pen unfortunately the owner had the pig slaughtered before he knew of its Fame and said he wouldn’t have gone through with it had he known he also said the pig was in good health and wasn’t experiencing any deficiencies like this video smash the Subscribe button and click the notification Bell right now or this centipede will crawl on your face when you’re sleeping now it’s time for the odd topic this pig did something that surprised the whole world being born because something like this never ever should have been this peculiar mutant piglet looks like a pig but it has a human face born in the Venezuelan District of quebrara Ariba Laro State photos of this creature have been confusing people for some time now what is this thing as always let us know your thoughts in the comments section down below using the hashtag odd topic number 19. rabbit helps kitten cats can get themselves into some tricky situations particularly curious kittens and usually they have to wait for humans to intervene and help but in this case pelu the kitten didn’t need to wait for a human he likely knew that he could rely on his friend called chaskey the rabbit palu found himself locked in a shed on a property in Spain and there didn’t seem to be a way out from the inside it’s unknown at how he got in there but he probably followed a human in who didn’t see him and locked him inside cats can be sneaky like that there’s no telling how long he was in there but his rabbit friend quickly came to the rescue realizing palu was inside the shed the rabbit started digging as hard and fast as he could around the edge of the shed to provide an Escape Route digging is exhausting work so halfway through chasky took a break you then see a tiny paw pop out of the hole and palu is able to squeeze himself through the hole to Freedom all thanks to chaskey’s hard work number 18. tortoise saves friend can you imagine how hard it would be to save yourself when you have a hard shell on your back and short legs when you’re flipped onto your back you’d almost certainly need help to get back upright school children saw firsthand how helpful animals can be to each other when they spotted a tortoise on its back at the Taipei Zoo in Taiwan YouTube user Audi U uploaded footage of a school trip to the zoo showing two tortoises one of which was helpless on its back but rather than just carry on with its own business the able-bodied tortoise decided to help its friend out it positioned itself in the best place to be able to flip the tortoise and didn’t give up until it had successfully shunted it back onto its feet all the children cheered the tortoises then just casually walked away as if nothing had happened according to Audi U it was a great lesson about how helping others is the origin of Happiness this makes me curious about how tortoises write themselves in the wild sometimes they Rock themselves backwards and forwards on their shell or leverage themselves against nearby rocks but they also rely on other tortoises just like you’ve learned here number 17. cow opens gate with tongue research has already shown that cows are pretty intelligent they can remember things for a long time and interact in quite socially complicated ways cows can even form friendships with cows they like and hold grudges against those they don’t so you’re probably not all that shocked to learn that if given the opportunity they can open gates with their tongues in 2011 a farmer in County Armada Northern Ireland Tom Grant was left confused when he awoke one morning to find his cows out of the Cow Shed when they should have been in their shed he was sure he’d lock them up the night before thinking cattle rustlers were in the area as he had heard whispers about some being about he decided to set up a camera to catch the potential thief in the ACT but he didn’t NAB a thief instead he watched in shock as one of his cows maneuvered her tongue in such a way as to unbolt the gate that allowed her and her friends to escape they were then able to frolick in the fields and have a delicious breakfast rather than waiting for Tom to come let them out it’s fair to say that Tom would have had to beef up security after that Brazen move pardon the puns number 16 raccoon knocks on door raccoons are omnivores that eat various foods like frogs crayfish insects eggs fruit nuts and seeds but they also love cat food as one woman found out Susie chin frequently puts food outside for her cats but quickly discovered that her cats weren’t getting a look in instead a hungry raccoon thought she was putting the food out for her after devouring the cat food the raccoon that Susie nicknamed Roxy asks for more in the cutest way possible Roxy will grab a rock from the garden and tap it against Susie’s glass door almost like she’s knocking to let Susie know that she’s hungry and would like some more food please generally Susie obliges Susie said Roxy has been visiting her home for almost a year and was nursing four babies at the time the video was taken alongside having her babies with her she’ll also bring her friends over and they’ll all enjoy the cat food together fortunately Susie doesn’t mind having to stock up on extra food nor is she overly concerned about how scratched her glass is now she’s an animal lover and a volunteer photographer with Wildlife Incorporated Susie says raccoons are wonderful but advised against touching them she said people should respect and love them and that we need to be kinder to Wildlife and share our Earth with them number 15. Sam the stealing seagull seagulls take what they can get when it comes to food but you usually expect to find them hanging around people eating food at a beach or wandering the streets searching for the odd crumber too but not Sam no Sam is A thieving seagull that back in 2007 became a bit of a local celebrity at a corner shop in Aberdeen Scotland Most states The Fearless goal would turn up at the shop wander inside and casually grab a packet of spicy Doritos off the shelf before walking out of the shop with them in his beak according to shop owner sriram nagarajan Sam the seagull had only ever been interested in one type of Doritos flavor he then head out onto the street rip open the bag and start eating them with other birds within a few weeks Sam had stolen about 20 bags of Doritos which led store managers to keep the door closed to deter him although by that point locals had grown accustomed to seeing Sam with his Doritos they decided to start donating money to ensure Sam never had to go without his daily fix that’s awesome number 14. clever bird goes fishing Birds generally eat what they can get but what if they know they can get much better than what they have if they just put in a little bit more effort one green heron had clearly been watching humans go fishing because it decided to use some of our techniques to eat like a king the green heron somehow acquired a large piece of bread rather than eating it as some Hungry Birds might have done the Heron decided to head to a local body of water and try its luck doing a spot of fishing it places the bread in the water and waits before spotting a fish and quickly grabbing the bread out of the water hoping that a fish will be on the end of it unfortunately it wasn’t but that didn’t deter the Heron rather than giving up and eating the bread it continues to place the bread in the water and retrieve it multiple times even though the bread is a much smaller piece each time finally when the bread is no larger than coin sized the Heron gets what it’s been waiting for a delicious fish it snaps it up heads to the shore and starts devouring it this bird is clearly a genius but it’s not the only genius according to experts at least a dozen bird species can go angling kind of like humans some birds have also learned that fish can be lured in with bread in areas where humans feed it to birds like ducks and swans number 13. dog tries to rescue owner the bond between humans and their dogs can be incredible but it’s not always easy to capture that Bond on camera although this pretty much sums it up in Randolph County North Carolina a man decided to use a rope swing to swing out into the lake clearly he had never done it before based on the reaction of his dogs one of them which appeared to be a black labrador called Buster immediately started crying pacing the shore and trying to get down to his owner he frantically began swimming while still crying to save his owner’s life in the meantime the man’s other dog a golden labrador had already leaped into the water and ventured out to meet the man the video was uploaded to YouTube where it received millions of likes the man said that Buster’s just a little bit overprotective that much is obvious if they’re both Labradors as they appear they’re probably the best type of dog to venture out into the water with you many Labradors love swimming and can even be trained for duck retrieval they also generally love visiting beaches lakes ponds and even paddling in Backyard Pools number 12. Penn opens house door ahen had been exploring the backyard of her owner’s home when she decided to seek relief from the sunshine as she ventured to the door she realized that her owner had closed it now is she supposed to get inside now well the hen wasn’t gonna let a little closed door stop her from getting it inside while it took her some time to ponder her options she fixed her attention on the door handle but now how is she gonna reach it well hens can’t fly too far but they can still use their wings to fly a little bit so she managed to reach the door handle and push it down mission accomplished the hen had successfully opened a closed door and was able to venture inside you know the hens are much more intelligent than you might think Studies have actually shown that they are smart and emotional and can demonstrate thinking skills on par with primates and mammals they can even do things that young children aren’t yet capable of for example if you hide something from a chicken they’ll still know it’s there number 11. dog rescues girl he thinks is in trouble we adopt and buy dogs to be our companions but they can sometimes end up as Our Saviors even if we don’t actually need their help in 2018 Matthias the dog was at a beach near goofy Sumer in France with his owner and their granddaughter and they were supervising the young girl playing in the water she was having a great time splashing in the water even when a wave washed over her and she was momentarily caught up in the small wave matius remained by her side throughout her time playing in the water but that final wave was the last straw for Marius it was almost like he thought that enough was enough and she wasn’t safe so he grabbed her gently by the t-shirt and dragged her ashore now he was gentle and the girl laughed the whole time but Matias clearly thought he was saving her life he only let go of her once she was safely on the sand away from the water’s edge it’s not known what type of dog Matthias is but he could be one of those protective breeds like a Leonberger Newfoundland or sarplanet number 10 warm welcome from a lion seeing animals behind bars and in enclosures in zoos isn’t everyone’s idea of a great experience which is why when some people want to see wild animals they go on Safari Park tours animals are in their natural environments and you jump aboard a tour vehicle to see them doing what they do best on one occasion a lion decided it didn’t want to be observed from a distance it wanted to be a part of the touring action tourists in a safari vehicle in taigan safari park in Crimea with Park owner Oleg zubkov received a very warm welcome from a wild lion named philia The Lion jumped right into the vehicle with about 10 tourists aboard and immediately started making itself comfortable it smooched up against people wandered through the vehicle and seemed quite friendly some tourists were scared While others took selfies with the lion and even patted it as if it were a house cat Oleg said he was keeping a close eye on the line and it was interacting playfully rather than dangerously although that’s not to say that the behavior couldn’t have changed at a moment’s notice just weeks earlier tourist Olga solomina from kirov had been attacked by all Lion in that same park it had bitten through her right arm and dragged her like a puppet number nine camel attempts to eat girl’s head taking a trip to the zoo as a family is a fun thing to do in your spare time but one family had a far different experience than many other people they were at the drive-through Kansas City Zoo when they stopped their car wound down the window and started feeding a camel the father had his young daughter on his knee and the mother was filming from the other seat now at first everything’s going as you’d expect the Campbell is enjoying getting fed through the window and the young girl is delighted at being able to get so close to such an incredible animal [Music] oh my gosh but when they ran out of food to feed the camel the camel decided to see what else they had to offer it mistook the girl’s head for a snack and tried to put her entire head in its mouth the man was quick to push the camel’s head away and the young girl took the whole thing in her stride the camel was not done with them yet though it’s almost like it wanted to get in the car with them as it had its head through the window as far as it could go fortunately it eventually left probably in search of another vehicle with snacks to eat number eight swimming deer Bunsen lake is a popular swimming spot in belcarra a regional park it’s where hundreds of people flock when the Mercury Rises so it’s quite the busy destination during summer but it appears that humans aren’t the only ones who want to take a dip when it gets hot beachgoers were incredibly confused to spot a deer swimming in the water to be fair the deer looked even more confused to see so many people as it made its way out of the water it wasn’t sure how to leave and it looked terrified trying to navigate its way through the throngs of people and their possessions my goodness eventually it managed to cut a path between some beach umbrellas and navigated its way around a lifeguard’s high chair before making its way back into a forested area some witnesses said the deer had been directed out of the water near the docks of South Beach and that it was frustrating to see a rescue team scaring it towards the shore thankfully the deer didn’t have too many issues getting away from humans once it could see the trees number seven monkey reacts to Magic who doesn’t love a good magic trick kids are typically delighted when their Grandad pulls a coin from behind their ear when a trained magician pulls a long-colored strip of fabric from his sleeve but we aren’t the only ones in awe of magic tricks so are primates a simple disappearing coin trick can be enough to shock and Delight a monkey and there have been several examples of how thrilled they are to be part of magic tricks for instance maximiliano Ibarra shared a clip on Tick Tock showing him performing a magic trick for a monkey at chapultepec zoo in Mexico City he holds out a leaf towards a Japanese macaque which is sitting close to the front of its class enclosure it’s observing the man closely and he makes the leaf vanish with a simple hand trick the monkey’s so shocked by what it sees that it jumps forward with widened eyes and its mouth wide open but The Tick-Tock user wasn’t done he makes the leaf reappear and then disappear again and the monkey is absolutely stunned it then looked over its shoulder to see whether anyone else noticed the magic there are also plenty of other videos videos online showing people performing tricks to Monkey audiences that are equally as stunned it’s we’re not all that different from apes after all number six Force Comforts sad owner Shania quite often sets up her camera to film her interactions with her horses but she captured something extraordinarily special one day in 2022. Shania was in the process of going through a divorce and was moving out the day she took video footage of her horses Shania was sitting on a step trying to hold her emotions together but her four-year-old horse Shiner clearly felt that something wasn’t right before long Shiner walks up to Shania and nuzzles her neck into Shania almost like the horse was trying to comfort her and give her a hug Shania said he felt her paint pulled her into his chest and let her cry it out while reassuring her with his nudges Shania believes that horses feel our emotions and are great at taking the feelings from us and letting them go in the video footage that Shania captured you can also see another horse close by while it doesn’t Embrace her as Shiner does it does hang around close to her almost like it wants to comfort her with its presence alone I don’t deserve animals number five cat has emotional reunion with blind dog cats and dogs aren’t always immediate best friends typically they require a slow introduction and it’s not always a success but Coco and Jasper are different Jasper can usually be found following Coco around the house playing with him and generally just enjoying his company Jasper the cat adores Coco and when their owner had to relocate for work temporarily she had to take Coco the dog with her because she’s blind and requires extra attention every day the two are apart Jasper would wait by the door for her canine friend it was heartbreaking to see so when the pair were reunited the owner decided to film The Reunion to see what would happen Jasper was clearly happy to see Coco he had his tail in the air and nearly immediately smooched up against Coco he Then followed him around the house according to the owner Jasper has been known to guide Coco around when he needs help sadly according to comments on the original YouTube video Coco had to be put to sleep in 2019 at age 14. it’s not known how Jasper reacted to his best friend being gone number four man on bike encounters curious giraffe a man on a bike described his experience with a wild giraffe as scary but awesome Timmy Moser was mountain biking at the lion and safari park near Johannesburg South Africa with his girlfriend when they came across seven giraffes they were two hours into their travels and one was directly in their path so they stopped for almost an hour to observe her rather than cycling around her they followed Park staff instructions and tried to walk around her but the giraffe wasn’t Keen to let them out of her sight just yet the giraffe wanted to have a gentle meet and greet with the pair so she came up to them to sniff them footage of their interaction was captured on GoPro and you can see Timmy backing away slowly because he’s shocked by just how giant the giraffe is up close the giraffe bends down to sniff around his head and eventually the pair are able to pass according to park staff the giraffe that Timmy and his girlfriend had an interaction with was Purdy she often comes out to greet Park visitors I don’t know about you but I’d prefer to be in a fully enclosed vehicle when traveling through a park with lions in it on you number three baby elephants love to cuddle it’s hard not to love elephants while they can be dangerous they also seem like gentle Giants especially those raised with a kind hand a video was uploaded to YouTube by Jonathan Duprees showing an interaction between him and a baby elephant at an elephant sanctuary in Northern Thailand at first he gives the baby a pet and a small hug but the elephant wants so much more it wants to cuddle play and enjoy time with its new human what’s happening and it even tries to sit on top of him on more than one occasion although it’s still careful not to crush him or stand on his limbs Jonathan says that he highly recommends that Sanctuary because they are passionate about taking good care of the elephants and they’re young he states that many of the elephants at the sanctuary were taken away from people who abused them it’s clear to see that none of those elephants have to worry about being abused or mistreated in any way and Jonathan definitely won’t be forgetting his experience anytime soon number two woman wakes to Coyote in her bedroom imagine being in a deep sleep only to be awoken by a coyote in your bedroom it would almost give you a heart attack Bonnie Moriarty from Bixby Oklahoma was sleeping peacefully on the first floor of her home with her kids upstairs when a loud noise woke her from a deep sleep at around 4am Bonnie said it sounded almost like a catfight and she assumed it was her cat and dog causing all the commotion it was still dark so Bonnie couldn’t see anything but as she woke up completely her cat and a coyote had to run into her bedroom as her husband was away she grabbed a golf club for protection before turning on the light once her room was lit up she could see a coyote timidly cowering in the corner of the bedroom looking terrified and probably a bit confused it was then that the reality of the situation hit Bonnie she had a real-life coyote stuck in her bedroom not knowing what to do she shut her bedroom door and called the police officers arrived at her home with catcher pulls and were able to catch it and release it into a nearby wooded area Bonnie thinks that would have been where the coyote came from and that it likely ventured into her back door when it saw her cat fortunately no one was injured and neither were her pets number one squirrel antics squirrels are pretty cheeky but we usually don’t get to capture their Antics because they don’t normally interact with humans however some pretty cool encounters have been caught on camera with one even being videoed by the squirrel itself YouTuber Viva Frey wanted to capture footage of a squirrel up close and personal so he attached a piece of bread onto a GoPro camera on the ground as bait the cute little rodent was extremely curious about the camera and the potential snack so it wasn’t long before it had grabbed the camera and ventured up a tree with it after eating the bread the man was lucky enough for the squirrel to drop the camera back down to the ground although he wasn’t so fortunate the next time when he carried out the same stunt a few days later he was forced to get his friend Warren to climb the tree and get the camera back and it seems that squirrels aren’t only curious about food and cameras a homeowner captured footage of a squirrel hanging outside his home on the window and it wasn’t long until his two cats noticed what was going on the squirrel almost appeared to be taunting the cats and they were watching intently before the squirrel eventually took off honestly I don’t think we give animals enough credit some of them are super intelligent too smart for their own Goods sometimes I think have you encountered a super smart animal maybe your pet’s a genius tell us your story in the comments also check out our other cool stuff showing up on screen right now see you next time