and I don’t know about you but there’s no way I’d mess with a rhino they’re grumpy unpredictable and then there’s that massive Horn of course fortunately they don’t like trouble but just because we shouldn’t mess with them doesn’t mean other animals can’t get the better of them [Music] from an altercation with an elephant to a karate chopping giraffe here are 20 times rhinos messed with the wrong opponent laughs all right number 20. elephant versus rhino there’s nothing more exciting than watching an elephant and a rhino encountering each other in the wild they look pretty similar in many ways and their strengths are probably quite evenly matched regarding forced stamina and intelligence you won’t actually notice too many differences so if you were to see a fight play out you may not be sure who to put your money on to win in this video footage an elephant’s a little stroppy with the Rhino for some reason it wants a fight and the Rhino just wants to chill out and live its best life but needs must the elephant has signaled its intent to cause trouble and the Rhino has to react it tries to get lower than the elephant so that it can push its strong keratin horn upward into the elephant the elephant just keeps shoving the Rhino hoping for some kind of reaction but you know what rhinos are actually faster than elephants at least in most cases so all the Rhino has to do is run off well to us it’s just walking but they do have a lot of weight to carry before we go on like this video smash the Subscribe button and click the notification Bell right now or this centipede will crawl on your face when you’re sleeping now it’s time for the star topic not too many people would attempt to mess with orino but that may have given this rhino a false sense of security he may have thought he was Unstoppable but this fully grown male lion was able to isolate the Rhino and work hard to take him down the Rhino was unfortunately eaten how do you think this happened can a lion really take down a rhino all on its own we’d love to hear your opinion comment down below if the hashtag star topic and let us know your opinion in relation to what we just showed on screen with that said let’s keep things moving number 19. dog chasing rhino you might think that to have complete control over rhinos you have to be massive or at least drive around in a vehicle for protection and to be able to move them where you want them but as it turns out you just have to be a tiny dog with Incredible agility if you ever paid a visit to Unico safaris in Limpopo South Africa you may have come across bleet he is a well-known dog there for many years and a familiar sight for frequent visitors he also had an incredible Mac of being able to make rhinos young and old alone or in groups do what he wanted he might have thought he had an important job to do but he used to chase after the Rhinos until he had his fill going by his wagging tail he was having the time of his life the Rhinos could have easily taken him out with one kick or knock but they didn’t these gentle Giants instead were probably quite confused and terrified by this Zippy little guy no rhinos were harmed in the making of this video but unfortunately that cute little doggo is no longer around it was bitten by a snake and sadly passed away number 18. wild dogs versus black rhino domestic dogs can be annoying as far as rhinos are concerned but wild dogs are even more so alone black rhino just wanted to eat and drink in peace when her Waterhole was descended upon by a pack of wild dogs they probably just wanted to drink and hang out but they’re also probably quite capable of causing her a lot of trouble since they’ve been known to eat baby rhinos so she may not have wanted to take the risk so instead of sharing her water hole She chased the wild dogs away except they weren’t in a hurry to leave every time she chased them from one part of the water hole they popped up in another eventually she managed to bore them enough to just leave as she made it clear she wasn’t gonna let them be near her this whole hilarious encounter was caught on camera and the lady within the greater Kruger National Park in South Africa the tour group was excited by the fact that the Rhino wanted to have the waterfall all to herself and didn’t want to share number 17. elephant tramples Rhino and baby many reserves in national parks in South Africa are home to both rhinos and elephants these animals are quite evenly matched as far as strength and intelligence go but the elephants obviously have quite the size Advantage both also don’t have too many predators once they are fully grown you might think that given their similarities they would just live in peace share resources and leave each other alone the Rhinos might be happy to do that but the elephants certainly aren’t in several videos uploaded online there have been situations involving rhinos and elephants where elephants take offense to the very existence of rhinos rather than share a watering hole or another resource an elephant will charge at a rhino without a second thought since they have pretty long tusks and Rhino only has one a longhorn and a shorter one they have a slight Advantage the stoutness of rhinos also means an elephant can just push right into them to get them to do what they want this ended quite badly for a baby rhino with his mom when an elephant pushed the mama Rhino right into the baby nearly trampling it to death you wouldn’t mess with a rhino but it looks like you also shouldn’t mess with an elephant number 16. rhino versus lion even though rhinos like to keep the peace as much as possible they also don’t take any Guff from other animals in this sad situation a rhino was forced to chase off two male lion Brothers in Kruger National Park after they killed her baby you don’t actually see the calf being killed but the Lions attempt many times to drag away what looks like a rhino calf while the mother Rhino keeps chasing them away one lion is limping so she either caused that door another altercation dead it’s not known how the Lions managed to take down her calf when she’s obviously quite capable of fending them both off but she may not have had her eyes on her baby at all times but even though she can’t protect her calf now she can at least stop the lions from taking the body away to eat it hilariously other Wildlife look on with hyenas one step away from popping open a bag of popcorn and grabbing a deck chair this is not their fight so they’re more than happy to watch the show probably pick up any scraps of animal tea once it’s over number 15. elephant fights off Rhino group severe drought conditions in South Africa often cause animals to act in a way that’s not natural to them it’s survival of the fittest out there and they have to do what’s gonna help them survive in this case it’s eating something you wouldn’t normally eat and making sure others don’t get it vet paw member Suzanne Boswell took footage in Limpopo South Africa that showed a group of rhinos and an elephant having an altercation some grass had been scattered on the ground as feet and the Elephant was making sure that nearby rhinos were not able to access it strangely elephants don’t even eat grass but the drought conditions may have caused it to add it to its diet the Rhinos really wanted that grass but the elephant wasn’t gonna let that happen it charged through the trees through sticks at the rhinos and even scattered dirt over them eventually the Rhinos must have realized that they weren’t gonna have a nice relaxing meal with this pestering elephant nearby they decided to admit defeat and hit the road after all they weren’t exactly a size match for the elephant number 14. giraffe kicks rhino in the face out of all animals in the animal kingdom one with one of the most powerful kicks is the giraffe every animal needs to have some form of defense and the delicatess of a giraffe’s neck means it’s gonna have to be their legs instead their kicking force is so powerful that they can kill an animal with one kick some animals can almost be beheaded depending on how much the giraffe fears for its life in October 2020 Indian Forest Service Officer Susan tananda uploaded a video of a giraffe kicking a rhino in the head and commenters lost their minds thousands of people watched the short clip mostly in amazement at how Fierce the kick looked you wouldn’t mess with a rhino but as it turns out you also shouldn’t mess with a giraffe the Rhino just happened to approach the giraffe from behind when without even any hesitation the giraffe goes full kickboxer on the Rhino’s head fortunately the Rhino didn’t die but it did run off I would too after being knocked on the Noggin by one of those big legs a According to some reports people have actually died from giraffe kicks one woman was walking her dog in Limpopo when her dog startled the giraffe and it became agitated number 13. hyenas attack rhino hyenas can be pretty good Hunters but they’re also opportunists they will take any opportunity to prey on the weak or even take a meal that another animal has worked hard to get if you think hyenas couldn’t take down a rhino then think again they can definitely take down one that’s injured and they also see their calves as easy pickings in one situation an early morning hunt by a clan of hyenas proved quite lucrative for them in the Kruger National Park of South Africa when they stumbled across three rhinos grazing one was limping and injured so they singled it out bit off its tail and chased it into a dry riverbed its injured leg made it weak and it basically proved to be its downfall the hyenas quickly overpowered the injured Rhino a story update came later that revealed Wildlife vets darted the Rhino to assess its injuries at this point it was still alive but its injuries were too great and it had to be euthanized in this situation the hyenas didn’t kill the Rhino but that doesn’t mean they aren’t ruthless animals in another video or I know how to try and fight off a clan of hyenas that were trying to take away the carcass of her stillborn baby number 12. Ryan versus Rhino as Gandhi once said don’t fight anything that comes naturally equipped with a sword on its nose Okay so I said that not Gandhi but it’s true right rhinos have massive strong horns and you wouldn’t be very wise to try to beat that unless you knew the Rhino had an apparent weakness like an injury or illness although a pack of lions thought they would give it a go to be fair they look like a group of friends just having a laugh as none of the Lions seem all that serious about actually inflicting damage but that might actually be because they can’t get close enough every time one lion tries to sneak up on the Rhino it turns around swiftly and attempts to hit the lion with its horn the Lions aren’t very quick Learners though over a period of several minutes they don’t give up they Circle the Rhino by the Waterhole no matter how much charging the Rhino does or how much dust it kicks up the lions are Relentless if eventually though they get bored and the Rhino lives to fight another day number 11. Black Rhinos fight each other even though many animals attempt to fight rhinos full of bravado that they can mess with them they can also fight each other well it looks more like ballroom dancing but it’s a fight I promise the smaller younger fitter more handsome black rhino at matu Sedona national park in Lake Kariba Zimbabwe has blood on its face and doesn’t look like it has the experience or strength to win the fight still it has the tenacity the pair go head to head literally for minutes and neither rhinos in a hurry to back down it’s most likely that they are fighting over territory and women a bit like humans really but with far more grace and class but it’s not so much the muscle power that makes one Rhino win against the other it’s more to do with who has the most smarts the older Rhino actually ends up winning by spreading his scent and dung with his legs now if that’s how humans one fights we’d probably be a lot better off who needs guns am I right number 10 hippo versus rhino dehorning rhinos is a common practice particularly in South Africa to prevent poachers from going after him if a rhino doesn’t have a horn it is of no use to a poacher if it does they don’t just knock them out to remove the horn and keep the Rhino alive instead they kill them to take the horn it’s just much safer for the Rhino to have its horn removed the problem is they kind of need them even though horns grow back that doesn’t help them when they’re trying to use them to stay alive when other animals attack them of course they’re pretty much at the top of the food chain but not really when it comes to hippos hippos look so charming and cute but they are cold-blooded Killers their massive teeth aggression and Brute Force make them a force to be reckoned with if a rhino going up against one had a horn it might stand a chance but it’s also not guaranteed in fights involving hippos and rhinos it can pretty much be a fight to the death and definitely more so and the Rhino has no horn to fight with as you can see the hippo is able to force the Rhino into the water without much effort and it also has another hippo friend for backup nature can be cruel number nine tiger versus Rhino it’s not very often you spot rhinos and tigers share in the same space but it happens someone in Nepal encountered this very situation and videoed it for the world to see orino was mine in its own business in a water hole probably having its weekly bath when a tiger stumbled across it it appeared through the bush and watched the Rhino probably quite confused about what it was seeing rather than swimming away the Rhino just appeared to move closer to the tiger it was probably just as curious about the tiger as the tiger was of it now you probably think that the big cat wouldn’t jump in the water because your domestic cat doesn’t enjoy a bath but that is not quite true tigers are excellent swimmers they are also helped in part by their webbed feet so it gingerly got into the water you might think it did this to get closer to the Rhino but it just wanted to enjoy the water as well the Rhino moved away and the two animals simply minded their own business that’s a relationship we like to see sharing is caring everyone number eight buffalo versus Rhino why can’t we just be friends it can sometimes seem like most animals in the wild are just all out to get each other especially when it comes to buffaloes and rhinos both can be aggressive and unpredictable and both actually have similar body shapes and guess what both apparently hate each other Cape buffaloes look a bit like cows with their height of up to 5.6 feet and length of 11.2 feet they can also weigh about 2 000 pounds so they’re pretty good competition for a rhino rhinos can weigh as much as 3 000 pounds though if not more so buffaloes have quite the fight on their hands fortunately for them they aren’t nearly as docile as rhinos they may be built like a cow but they are angry like a bow so when fights like these break out it’s time to make some popcorn who’s gonna come out on top well it’s anyone’s game but the aggression of the Buffalo isn’t always enough to make it win the fight rhinos can lift the Buffalo up by the belly using its horn and even tip them over in situations like this buffaloes should know better than a mess with a rhino rather than the other way around number seven rhino versus hippo we’ve already learned that hippos are more than capable of taking down a hornless rhino but what about one with a horn and what happens if the Rhino actually does what the hippo wants and leaves the area in one video hippos are lounging around a Waterhole in Hawaiian Park in Swaziland when rhinos turn up to see what’s going on they too probably just want to enjoy the water but the hippos won’t let them and they really let them know about it as a rhino seidels toward a hippo and the water another hippo steps in and takes action it opens its massive mouth wide showing all its scary looking teeth and lunges at the Rhino as if it’s gonna bite it not one to take the risk the Rhino backs off and runs away towards its group so a rhino with a horn or without a horn a hippo is more likely to come out on top they are pretty evenly matched strength wise but the hippo’s aggression gives it an advantage rhinos also have poor eyesight which puts them further at a disadvantage number six lions attack black rhino Black Rhinos are critically endangered which means we should be doing everything we can to increase their numbers the problem is we can’t help what other animals do in their spare time lions and other Predators will kill whatever they want and we can’t do anything about it when Three Lions stumbled across a black rhino stuck in the mud on the edges of a water hole in Kruger National Park visitors to the area think it’s game over for this rare animal the Lions probably believe they’ve found themselves an easy meal and it’s looking like they have the Rhino is really stuck and you can basically see the Lions rubbing their wee pods together in anticipation thank you I can feel the Panic from the Rhino from here it’s desperately trying to climb out of the water hole but before it gets a chance one of the Three Lions pounces the lion smacks the Rhino on the back and this shortly kicks its adrenaline into overdrive before you know it the Rhino is able to free itself much to the Delight of those videoing the encounter quickly the Rhino just starts running at the Lions who probably by now realize their dining opportunity has passed after a little bit of chasing the Lions soon grow bored and the Rhino casually makes its getaway number five white rhinos fighting rhinos may get quite tired of other animals always trying to maim or kill them but they can sometimes get tired of each other within their family and friends circles they can have minor disagreements that cause them to get into fights sometimes they end up with injuries that make them more vulnerable to attacks by other animals such as lions laughs but rhinos definitely have more of a fight on their hands when they go up against each other as you can see when white rhinos engage in battle these huge stocky animals aren’t as aggressive as Black Rhinos but they have two large horns that’ll surely pack a mean punch these horns can grow up to over five feet long which would be like having a human attached to their faces I couldn’t imagine that would be very comfortable Bull rhinos can also weigh over 4 400 pounds with huge muscle mass that makes them stronger than many other animals in the wild so you could imagine that it would be way harder to take on one of their own kind than it would be to say attack a wild dog or even a lion number four zebra annoys rhino animals can sometimes act quite differently in captivity we’re not sure if this is how zebras and rhinos interact in the wild but they sure seem to love each other in captivity well at least these two specific animals do the Rhino does seem a little peeved by the pesky little zebra but it’s overall a pretty loving relationship the zebra follows the Rhino around like a bad smell rubbing up against it and chasing it around when the Rhino tries to get away but it also does something quite absurd it starts sucking chewing and pulling at the Rhinos horns it puts its mouth over both horns at different times which could have ended quite badly if the pair didn’t love each other although you could also see that not all zebras and rhinos are as in love as these two footage from another country shows what happens when a rhino gets frustrated with a zebra a zebra and Rhino are put in the same area but the Rhino takes offense to that it throws the zebra up into the air and onto the ground again we just took the zoo bro is okay because it sure looked like a nasty altercation number three curious cheetah cub takes on a rhino it’s okay to have a little bravado and believe you can do anything but these cheetahs may have had an overdose of confidence with the resultant diagnosis being a dangerous disease called biting off more than they can chew sure they’re young and they have to learn by doing but this is optimistic even by their standards the Cheetahs spot a rhino and their first thought isn’t to give it some space but to see if they can win against it as you can imagine the answers are hard no the Rhinos not having any of these Bad Manners and fends off the two young cheetahs as if they are flies hanging around its bottom the Cheetahs spend at least a few minutes hissing and spitting at the Rhino getting right up to its face the film crew from BBC Earth captured the entire altercation on camera from a distance but even they were nervous they even moved further back it’s clear to see these cheetahs have way too much confidence and my bet is that they’ll be taken down a peg or two later in life that is if they aren’t killed before then number two leopard and Rhino interaction if you ever pay a visit to Krueger National Park it’s almost guaranteed that you’re gonna see some form of exciting Wildlife if you’re lucky enough you might even capture some footage of an encounter between a leopard and a rhino a rhinos minding its own business just living his best life when a Leopard stumbles across it rather than try any funny business thinking it as an opportunity to overpower the Rhino it just sits and watches it’s probably seen the size of its massive horn and realizes there’s no way it could win in a fight against a rhino with a weapon that large so it just has a little sniff around sits down and lets the Rhino carry on that’s not to say that leopards have never killed rhinos because they have there’s even been footage of a leopard carrying a baby rhino into a tree after clearly having killed it a large male leopard is capable of lifting a carcass weighing up to three times its own body weight although it looks like it might be hard work when a Leopard was film taken a rhino into a tree it and the Rhino ended up falling to the ground number one elephant shows Rhino who’s boss Joe Gregory was on a safari vacation when he managed to capture some pretty incredible footage of an elephant showing a rhino who’s boss his group had been driving around the marshy Wetlands when they saw a crash of rhinos and a herd of elephants this meant bad news at least in this situation A young elephant Bowl wanted to prove itself to a young male white rhino the elephant picked up a stick in its trunk and threw it at the rhino in retaliation the Rhino charged the fight ended up with no winners but I’m not sure what that elephant was thinking it’s hardly gonna do much damage with a stick as rhinos have lousy eyesight it may not have known that what the elephant had was a stick sometimes near movements can also seem a lot scarier than they actually are sure rhinos have excellent hearing and smell to make up for poor eyesight but it would be pretty optimistic to actually enter into a full brawl with an elephant they at least put on a show for Joe and his Safari friends rhinos aren’t actually as stroppy as they look and some animals in the animal kingdom take full advantage of this they’ll start something they may not be able to finish with no problems at all which of these animals bravado stunned you the most also check out our other cool stuff showing up on screen right now see you next time