
5 Most Mysterious Creatures Caught in Africa! – REAL OR FAKE?

Africa is known as a mostly unexplored continent with all sorts of secrets hidden within its interior it’s filled with dense jungle environments as well as endless expanses of barren deserts each with their own strange and mysterious assortments of creatures stories of ancient people having to fend off attacks from seemingly mythical beasts and to the excitement and we featured our favorites with our top 5 most mysterious creatures caught in Africa before we begin make sure you hit that subscribe button to get notified every day for more amazing content with that being said let’s begin number five aliens citing a strange creature showed up in South Africa a number of years ago with nobody able to definitively decipher its origins for quite some time the creature was terribly skinny and was dried up with arms outstretched and looked bipedal and quite humanoid in appearance complete with a set of teeth that also resembled those of humans this discovery sent people all over the world into a panic with some locals convinced that they were either cursed or being infiltrated by a strange alien race the creature was originally found by a national park ranger Llewellyn Dixon after pictures taken at the scene were posted online it quickly went viral and led to people jumping to some pretty wild conclusions the creature is definitely otherworldly in appearance and we wouldn’t blame anyone for thinking that it was a sign of something bad on the way the creature was found already dead so it’s body was taken to a local vet for further investigation after a thorough examination the vet made a pretty astounding discovery unfortunately for alien enthusiasts this thing wasn’t from another planet but was in actual fact a misshapen baboon it turns out that when a young baboon dies its mother may carry it around with her for quite some time with the body slowly stretching and morphing into something that looks like a tiny alien this strange occurrence has been known to happen from time to and we think we prefer this thing to be alien it’s just another example of the internet going nuts about a story before knowing the whole truth with aliens being much cooler and much less depressing than the truth even so this is exactly what many people believe aliens would look like and this story just goes to show that life even that which evolved here on earth is usually pretty strange to begin with this creepy photo is still making the rounds however with many people still being tricked into thinking that this creature is an unknown we prefer to be upfront and honest but felt we should include this specimen in today’s countdown and will admit that we still find the entire thing a little mysterious even now some have taken their doubts even further however claiming that the official report was wrong and that the vet was outright lying in order to cover up something uncomprehendingly big they say that no baboon would end up looking like that although plenty of experts have stated their case empathetically and repeatedly we think that’s a little far-fetched and are happy to believe such overwhelming tangible evidence number 4 mermaids there have been stories passed down throughout the ages the tale of mermaids that actually live in African lakes and rivers instead of dwelling in the oceans like the rest of their kin these specialized mermaids are quite territorial and their demeanor can vary from one to the other some are said to be vicious hating humans and lashing out with surprising speed while others have been known to help people in their travels providing aid and advice Zimbabwe probably features the most prolific and widespread stories regarding mermaids with some locals haven’t claimed to have captured mermaids in the past they’re quite rare these days and aren’t seen very often especially with many of their habitats being taken over and dedicated to human use despite the fact that mermaids are very able to take people on they seem unable to stand up to such an overwhelming force preferring to retreat further into more uninhabitable locations surviving in whatever bodies of water they can those found in Zimbabwe are known as the mande oh and it’s probably a good thing they’re getting forced out of areas where humans because they’re known to be especially violent routinely drowning swimmers if they’re able to do so dam workers once refused to continue any sort of construction because mermaids were busy fending them off with a few attacks reported the creatures were eventually persuaded to leave after a government official arrived and offered them a gift of traditional beer South Africa also has a long history of mermaid sightings and there have been many legends talking of people engaging with them either to hunt or chat with based on varying accounts one group who traditionally lived in and around the desert funnily enough tell of a group of mermaids although many say that they had only heard about them from wandering travelers South Africa has so many lush areas with mountain streams becoming homes for another group of mermaids who much like those in Zimbabwe are known to drown their victims although this group is supposed to take things further and actually actively lure their victims into the water and into letting their guard down which is absolutely premeditated as far as we’re concerned these stories have withered away in recent years but if you believe them it seems that Africa has been the scene of a great human mermaid war that’s potentially been raging since the very dawn of mankind it could be that the stories have mistakenly labeled Crocs as mermaids through ignorance but that’s a pretty big mistake to make number three in King Yamba this family of legendary serpents described massive slithering reptiles that can swallow a fully grown person whole without ever missing a beat these creatures are feared throughout Africa and have been for many generations the stories have morphed these gigantic snakes into something out of Mythology saying they have the head of a horse instead of that of a snake we assume that they could be talking about a previously undiscovered species of snake with a particularly strange-looking head that grows to unfathomable lengths many people even today claim to have caught glimpses of this legendary maneater with all sorts of shaky evidence popping up to show Incan Yamba that have been killed by hunters these photos aren’t necessarily real but it goes without saying that the legends have to be based on something with so much of Africa’s interior jungles being unmapped and unknown to modern people there’s plenty of space for a species like this to survive and possibly even thrive in some far-flung spot in a dense jungle in the middle of nowhere without anyone ever being the wiser tribes people still pass down the old stories and the fear of attack is still very real in many places with some people constantly on the lookout for the legendary Incan Yamba some stories even say that these beasts can control the weather while we think that’s all a little too superstitious there are plenty of large monstrous snakes and eels that live all over South Africa and it isn’t too much of a stretch to think that people back in the day did have to contend with a particular species that outgrew and outmatched them all it’s been proven that a lot of these legends are passed down from all over the world being morphed over the years into tall tales that speak of magical monsters but this is one that we really wish wasn’t a plausible outcome because the idea of a snake that dwarfed a school bus would haunt our dreams forever number two kongamato the kongamato is said to be a form of pterosaur that’s been found all over central and southern Africa with an English explorer even claiming to have caught one way back in 1932 the Beast fought him desperately and eventually broke free but he was able to describe it quite vividly and brought the story back with him it turns out that there had been previous stories that told of the same kind of creature that dated back centuries although we suspect they probably date back much further than that based on the fact that the subject in question must undoubtedly be a throwback to dinosaurs whether you believe the stories or not they’ve captured the attention of plenty of people especially those who live in the areas where the kongamato are supposed to roam this flying dynolite creature supposedly lives in relatively bleak and remote habitats dwelling in rivers and swamps it’s said that they have a massive wingspan that’s more like a reptile than a bird covered in a kind of featherless skin the same kind of creature is also known in other parts of Africa although it goes by many different names with some having distinct differences in appearance that there could be plenty more hanging around the continent lost for generations and just waiting to be rediscovered people have reported wrangling with these beasts in recent years although nobody in modern days has been able to catch one like in the stories that have been passed down to us some have even called the kongamato a form of flying snake with a length from tip to tail up around one and a half meters it goes without saying that a creature this small could easily hide in Africa even though no confirmed sightings have been made since the 1930s some people have claimed that they could have been driven to extinction or at least the very break either through being hunted for food or a human encroachment into their traditional habitats we’re a little skeptical about these reports and aren’t completely convinced that these creatures were ever hunted but the stories tell us otherwise and we’re left having to believe that there’s some sort of truth in them somewhere our doubts aren’t shared by countless people all over Africa however who say that they know these creatures exist without a doubt number one tabali the Baja Lee comes out of Liberia and many enthusiasts have gone out searching for a live specimen in recent years this beast is basically an enormous crocodile that’s been known to terrorize Riverside communities for generations some evidence has even been presented to support the claims that such a creature is in fact real with plenty of people offering a proof of their catches by posting images online we have to admit that none of these are in conclusive proof as the carcasses interestingly have never been officially examined in any of these cases we’re running with the unsubstantiated reports in this case however because the Baja lead if they are real would be terrifying creatures that are quite baffling in appearance based on what little we know about them they seem to walk on all fours that are angled further toward its body than today’s Crocs looking like little dinosaurs they’re not quite so little by today’s standards however with smaller specimens reaching the same length as a fully grown crocodile and adults being said to hit 30 feet given the fact that they’re so elusive we think that estimate could be a but we’re still convinced that it would be plausible to miss something even at that size with all the unexplored and uninhabitable space which basically makes up most of Africa this creature is unsurprisingly a carnivore and stories of ancient people wrangling with them are abundant with most fights ending up with the Baja Lee coming out on top we really don’t know exactly what to make of such a strange and mysterious creature it would be nice if someone who was able to submit a photo was also able to produce the actual body for inspection but we’ll just have to wait for that for now all right top fibers we have something very exciting for you to see make sure to visit our other channel the brilliant if you like what we have on top 5s finest then we know you will love what we have there too but be warned the videos over on the brilliant are extremely addicting to watch as well 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