caves are fascinating places to explore but you should be aware what lurks him if you have a sense of adventure we’ve got five strangest things found in caves just for you before we begin make sure you hit that subscribe button to get notified every day for more amazing content with that being said let’s begin number five preserved cave lion cubs coming in at number five are some pretty adorable Siberian cave specimens the cave lion is an extinct species that was known to live all over the world a long time ago it’s also known as a steppe lion which is a little more apt for the predatory cats while most finds suggest that these animals lived in caves there’s a lot of evidence to suggest that they frequently hunted in open grassland and were no stranger to the outdoors even so this find is miraculous because these almost perfectly preserved Cubs were initially thought to live at least 10,000 years ago and could shed some light on many questions surrounding the habits and lifestyles of these mysterious cats the team in charge of the Cubs originally didn’t have much to offer preferring to gather as much data as possible before presenting their finds to the world thankfully we now know a little bit more about what happened to these cave lions and how they managed to remain preserved for so long up until now our entire understanding of these hunters was based on tracks and bones so the two frozen cubs are understandably a big deal the new estimate on their approximate age puts the Cubs as living around 30,000 years ago by examining the surroundings of the cave and the Cubs researchers determined that a cave collapse was behind the death of the one week old Cubs who were crushed to death amazingly one was so well preserved that its fur still the permafrost was also an enormous factor in the preservation process we also know that they weren’t able to see and that one was recently fed with milk potentially still present in its gut analyzing this could offer incredible insights into the health pathogen levels and diet of these creatures which would be really cool not yet pushing the boundaries of being the last of their kind these Cubs are expected to be owned wealth of interesting information the last cave line is thought to have lived around 14,000 years ago in Alaska land bridge between Russia and Alaska in the past is a clear indicator that these cats were pretty Hardy it’s also fun to think about lions dotting the American landscape they’re smaller and less ferocious cousins are still found today and are still dangerous but we’re nowhere near the level of these predators like the woolly mammoths these beasts are thought to have been hunted to extinction by our ancient descendants and that’s something we should probably give thanks for number four Dead Sea Scrolls scholars of ancient texts are going absolutely nuts about the most recent discovery in the Dead Sea scroll saga turns out that a cave found in early 2017 and nestled in a cliff face in the Julian desert once housed a set of the ancient parchments although the scrolls unfortunately were already looted long ago this doesn’t diminish the importance of the find the first of its kind in almost 60 years which still helps to piece together the puzzle behind the meaning and origin of the famed Dead Sea Scrolls and the people who created them the writings the first of which was found in 1947 are known to contain copies of various religious and biblical texts and date from around the 4th century BC to the 2nd century AD the entire recovered works contain over 800 preserved texts that are generally written on papyrus or animal skin commonly used in days even though no actual scrolls were found the type of pottery scattered around the cave as well as a carnelian stone with a signifying seal cut into it are all clear indicators that the cave once held them by all appearances they were carted off by Bedouins who either sold them or tossed them away not realizing their value iron pickaxe heads found in the cave could only have come from a much later era than the rest of the contents thrown about and we can only hope that the thieves didn’t damage the actual parchments during their escapades there is a piece of parchment recovered but researchers are still conducting tests and are hesitant to say whether or not they believe that it could be a small piece of a long-lost Dead Sea scroll what is now clear regardless of their findings is that the area thought to contain the Dead Sea Scrolls is much more expansive than people originally thought this find brings the number of Dead Sea scroll caves up to a total of 12 this comes after many people had declared that we have found all there was to know about the Lost Tribe that recorded them with more finds like this we might be able to finally put to rest who this mysterious tribe of ancient people were some scholars have pointed out distinct similarities between a sect known as the Essenes and what we know of this strange Dead Sea tribe but they aren’t without their critics making the debate quite heated at times what is most remarkable is that their writings cover text in Hebrew Aramaic and Greek suggesting that these people were not only well learned but also well-traveled making their remittance from history an enormous puzzle number three new species of spider if you’re scared of spiders this one might not be for you when a team led by Jim barian decided to check out a small cave located in Baja Mexico they found the massive exoskeleton of a greatly large spider while the team set out and made the discovery in 2013 there still isn’t much known about this new genus and his team is hoping to be able to continue their progress heading back to the initial discovery the team did what almost nobody else in the would these dedicated field entomologists decided to camp outside the entrance to the cave and examine its interior under the cover of darkness identifying the exoskeleton as potentially nocturnal they wanted to see if they could catch a glimpse of the kind of spider that could leave such a big surprise hanging from the ceiling to be fair discovery was the point of their expedition to begin with so taking on oversized arachnids was just par for the course and all in a day’s work their eventual discovery however ended up making some serious waves in the scientific community upon returning to the site after dark they discovered they were stalking an enormous spider known as caliph or canis caki chilensis also dubbed the Sierra caca Chile’s Wandering Spider before that point no live specimen had ever been seen making this a huge moment for science and one hell of a story to bring back home it was found to be very similar to the Brazilian Wandering Spider which is known to be able to kill a human with its toxic bite the terrifying part about these ones is that these fighters seem to have the dimensions of a softball and have massive visible fangs that dwarf those of their Brazilian counterparts for what it’s worth their bite while poisonous isn’t deadly which to be honest doesn’t put our minds at ease at all at the end of the day you still just got owned by a spider spanning more than eight inches when we mentioned it was the size of a softball we also neglected to mention that its body is only an inch long carrying itself on legs that are four inches across hopefully that’ll help you sleep the next time you spend some time in Baja we hear it’s beautiful this time of year and that the Sierra Kaka Chi laughs wandering spider is wary of humans but we do recommend packing a flamethrower in your luggage just in case number two dirty DNA yeah we know on the surface this one’s a little dull but if you dig a little deeper there’s some really neat science going on here a group of German scientists and researchers with a ton of active sites all over the world have seemingly found a way to gather trace DNA from what has traditionally been seen as mostly waste in previous excavations we’re speaking of course about dirt bones and fossils have long been the only way to extract human DNA from ancient sites making this discovery one that will undoubtedly be a boon for science the technique developed by this particular team is exact enough to be able to tell what type of hominid ancestors inhabited each stratigraphic level of soil and sediment allowing for an unparalleled level of versatility when it comes to navigating these ancient sites now we don’t have to rely solely on bone and fossil fragments along with other noticeable bits and pieces and therefore can more accurately trace the movements of our ancient ancestors we can even work out migration patterns of ancient hominids throughout greater swathes of time deniers of evolution have long been grained for missing links and while that trick has been debunked time and time again maybe this will help speed up further discoveries of ancient cousins of humans in an effort to put the debate to rest once and for all while the naysayers probably won’t be completely swayed regardless of evidence we’re pretty excited about what this means in the future we can’t help but think about all the potential knowledge we’ve missed out on and useful DNA data we’ve accidentally sent to land reclamation projects but know that this will benefit science moving forward even if dirt doesn’t end up yielding too many answers the very fact that long extinct DNA can be resurrected from such an unlikely source material means that it’s much harder than we thought and probably much more prolific if he can adapt this basic knowledge and technique accordingly number one Neanderthal construction the versatility of ancient peoples is old fascinated historians and anthropologists especially but that doesn’t lessen the all people from all walks of life since when they try to imagine life in ancient times enormous construction and engineering projects undertaken by civilizations thousands of years ago still impress us to this day for example with many attracting tourists from all over the globe Machu Picchu in Peru and the pyramids were Sphinx in Egypt remain objects of amazement and heated debates a few outspoken individuals have even dedicated their lives to proving that these projects weren’t led by humans at all but by extraterrestrials visiting from the heavens claiming that these people must have been far too ignorant to pull them off fortunately most people know better and can give these brilliant engineers and tireless workers their due respect the methods and techniques used by these people have been passed down through the ages and built up into what we now know in the modern world even today we are rediscovering lost techniques and marveling at how these less advanced civilizations were able to unlock secrets that still mystify scientists with far more advanced tech at our disposal but what about the prowess of people who came before Homo sapiens turns out the Neanderthal man was undertaking relatively large-scale construction projects long before we ever did in 1990 in France a cave was discovered that showed clear evidence that Neanderthals had inhabited it and used it frequently while this wasn’t strange in itself it was later noticed that the inhabitants had used stalagmites and stalactites broken off by force to create what appeared to be a ritualistic space they used over 400 pieces to behave rings and pyres while there were bones and evidence of fire it was determined later that Neanderthals probably hadn’t actually lived at the site at all and only used it for other as of yet unknown purposes the fact that they went out of their way to create these rings and used the area in a ritualistic manner means that they were far more capable of the of conscious thought and communication that we previously thought was previously reserved only for Homo sapiens really makes you think huh hope you enjoyed the video folks if you did make sure you click that 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