if playing stardew valley for so many hours my thumbs have started bleeding and i’ve had to have hand replacement surgery has taught me anything it’s that there can be weird things hidden in farms and some of them are freaky let’s waste 10 minutes talking about them from the ghosts of lv farm to the crop circles of nurse deed farm these are five terrifying things found in farms before we begin make sure to hit that like button subscribe to our channel and click the notification bell for more amazing videos every day that being said let’s begin number five the ghosts of lv farm there are things that are supposed to be on farms cows pigs angry men with guns screaming at children for walking on their land chickens but there are some things that are not supposed to be on farms some things that would terrify you if you found them a bit like if you found a severed finger and a packet of chips or a goblin in your trouser pockets these are things that turned up where they weren’t supposed to be and stay tuned we’ve got some truly creepy ones coming up first off though we want to talk about something of a creepy urban legend we want to talk to you about lv farm because lv farm is situated in pluckly a village that’s been called the most haunted village in england ever since 1998. built in 1406 ghost stories have circulated this place since 1407. some of the spooky sounds that visitors report hearings such as mysterious footsteps and creaking floorboards could be the work highwayman robert dubois who preyed on local villagers centuries ago until he was stabbed for his crimes but the farm’s signature spooky happening a voice saying i will do it is none other than the ghost of edward brett brett who owned the farm in 1900 one day whispered those four words walked to the old dairy barn and shot himself his ghost apparently never left the estate now a boutique guest house the current owners and their guests still report hearing his voice and to think here i was under the delusion that farm life was nice and simple but no apparently not my understanding of farm life seems to have been rather too influenced by harvest moon the footage we’re showing you comes courtesy of the youtube channel off soon who spent a whole night exploring the farm seeing what they might stumble across if you like a good scare maybe hop on over to their channel and watch the full video time for the star topic since we’re talking about farms look what we just found in one of them are you seeing what i’m seeing could this be the so-called dog man caught in a farm or could it be a werewolf just what in the world is it from what i see it looks like one of those creepy pasta monsters you would hear of in scary stories but what do you see remember photoshop is available to everyone so we’re not entirely sure if it’s real or not what’s your take on it comment down below with the hashtag star topic and we will pin the comment that best explains what’s being shown on this image with that said let’s go on to the next topic number four crop circles it seems like every six minutes or so a brand new crop circle turns up on a farm somewhere to be blunt these aliens have got a lot to answer for they’re constantly ruining our farmland with artwork imagine if you left your house one morning to find jackson pollock had done one of his splatter works all over your car or imagine looking into the mirror to find banksy and tattooed your face in the night but still aliens remain adamant that they simply have to carve shapes into our crops and the scary thing about these is the mystery if it’s not the work of aliens then who is it and if it is what do they mean are they a warning a threat this crop circle turned up on nurse deed farm in wiltshire sometime back in 2016. as you can see in this swooping footage it is truly vast and impressive even if this is a fraudulent effort made by a bunch of pranksters it warrants a round of applause if this crop circle does come courtesy of alien contact it’s kind of terrifying that we don’t know why extraterrestrials keep doing this it could be as terrifying as an announcement of impending war or it could be as innocuous as a passive-aggressive note asking us to keep the noise down nobody knows and that’s what’s freaky number three tales from reddit now annoyingly we don’t have any photos or videos to accompany this one so our poor video editing team will have to knock something together sorry guys but i found this story and simply had to bring it up i’m not sure whether to believe this one so let me know what you think the story comes courtesy of reddit user eva soat in a chat about people finding unexplainable things in their homes they wrote i was at my grandparents farm huge over 1 000 acres we went to where a house my great great grandparents had lived in was once located although the house was gone there was still a garage i was pretty young so i looked through a hole in the door and saw a car stamped with m-e-r on it i said dad it’s a mercedes to which he left and said no it’s probably a mercury son people out there don’t drive german sports cars a week later my dad was on the phone with one of the renters on that land and told him that story apparently there wasn’t supposed to be a car there but we had found the door locked or rusted shut the renter goes over with a sheriff and finds a teenager frozen to death in the driver’s seat i’m really glad i couldn’t open that door the story we heard from the sheriff was that he had run away from home in the fall this was late winter early spring and he had nowhere to go it’s about as remote as you can get and he probably found the garage and parked his car there to be hidden he was apparently covered in blankets frozen to death probably on the first night but maybe he came and went a few times i’m guessing it was unlocked and then rusted shut i remember yanking it hard a few times with my dad but it didn’t budge and what’s there to see anyway it’s just an old rotting garage so we gave up i don’t think it’s that he couldn’t get out but i think he just didn’t make it it’s northern missouri so on the wrong night it can get very cold on the planes and he couldn’t run his car for heat he would have died of carbon monoxide poisoning come to think of it that may have been it i doubt there was an autopsy the family hadn’t known anything for months so a very sad story but at least i found the body if i had never made that funny little observation who knows it could have been years until someone went into that garage what do you think of this is episode telling the truth or does the lack of video or photo evidence make this a load of old nonsense and more importantly what do you think of the visuals our editorial team threw together to accompany the story personally i think there may be some truth to it but that’s just me number 2 the flatwoods monster in west virginia folklore the flatwoods monster also known as the braxton county monster or phantom of flatwoods is an entity reported to have been cited in the town of flatwoods in braxton county west virginia united states on september 12 1952 following the appearance of a bright object crossing the night sky nearly 50 years later investigators concluded that the light was a meteor and the creature was a barn owl perched in a tree with shadows making it appear to be a large humanoid but of course there are people out there who refuse to accept the reasoning casting it off as nothing but a distraction these people still strongly believe that the flatwoods monster is very much real and routinely stalks the farms of west virginia local officials have even erected a welcome to flatwoods home of the green monster sign on the route leading into the town maybe their celebration of the monster is their way of making it feel love just in case it ever decides to attack the monster even makes an unexpected cameo in the video game fallout 76 maybe he’s the reason that game’s so bad low blow this following footage comes from a west virginia farm circa 2012 the original uploader claims the footage has not been altered at all now he’s bound to say that when my roommate asks if it’s me who ate all his cheese i obviously say no even though i did but if we take the footage at face value there’s something creepy going on for sure the uploader thinks it may be actual evidence of the flatwoods monster what do you think the camera operator is filming in the dead of night the camera is shaky the footage black and white these two factors combined make it tricky to get a solid view of what’s going down it’s all very blair witch part of us wonders if you put the footage in black and white on purpose just to make it more difficult a low drone that sounds a bit like the pretentious ambient albums i got into when i was at university because i was arrogant enough to think listening to music with rhythm was too mainstream for me permeates the footage giving it a creepy edge at roughly 50 seconds into the near minute of footage we catch a glimpse of what may just be responsible for the drone is this the flatwoods monster it’s not a clear look but it’s certainly something one of the commenters on the original footage also pointed out that if you pause at 36 seconds you can catch another albeit less clear glimpse of the strange creature some people are saying it’s an alien others are calling it the flatwoods monster skeptics are in their typically boring way calling it out as nothing but a shoddy prank but what do you think there’s no one’s opinion who i care about more than yours because i have a deeply unhealthy relationship with our subscribers that keeps me up at night number one the haunting of old arnold estate we hear regular tales of haunted homes haunted hotels and haunted castles but we don’t often hear of haunted farms but if ghosts are real surely they can haunt anything maybe there’s a ghost in your shoe right now there are several farms suspected of being haunted because of the things people have found there and one of the most notorious is the old arnold estate in harrisville rhode island leave the lights on at night was the advice the perron family got when they moved into the old farmhouse in the winter of 1970. it didn’t take the family long to understand why eight generations of families have lived and died in the house and few seem to have moved on leaving the place packed with spirits as recounted in the 2013 movie the conjuring which is based on tales from the farm personally i found that movie terrifying so the idea it’s based on real life events is spine chilling according to town records three people committed suicide at the house two hanged themselves and one chose poison there were also two people drowned and four people frozen to death to round out the horror an 11 year old girl was raped and murdered by a farm hand i’d normally make one of my jokes at this point but no that’s just gruesome and horrifying ever since bone chilling incidents are said to have plagued the house have you ever stumbled upon something creepy in a farm and of all the creepy things you could find what would scare you the most also check out our other cool stuff showing up on screen right now see you next time