let’s cut right to the chase lots of people want Megalodon to still be out there but are they as time goes by more and more people find evidence that seems to suggest these king-sized sharks might not be as dead as we thought they are of course there’s every chance these so-called clues and nothing but hoaxes and the believers nothing but fools let’s take a look anyway just in case here are the reasons that Megalodon may still exist like this video smash the subscribe button and click the notification bill right now or Slenderman will come for you under your bed when you sleep [Music] number 50 video evidence as the old saying goes scene is believing in 2019 a video posted on YouTube came with the hope that everybody would believe what they saw a giant shock leaping out of the ocean to grab something in its jaws but there’s a catch while the shark initially looks like a typical great white there’s something different it’s far far too big to be considered a normal or ordinary great white while great whites can ultimately grow up to 20 feet in length this shark appears to be much much bigger raising the question is it a great white or is it our old prehistoric friend I mean for all we know this could be the shark from Jaws a few decades on who knows as with almost everything on YouTube the video inspired much debate and speculation with many suggesting that the whole thing is nothing but a hoax or the work of talented computer VFX artists hoping to create a viral sensation after all think of all the viral shark videos we’ve had from the Super Bowl dancing shark through to baby shark still proving a hoax is an incredibly difficult task and since nobody has been able to disprove the video as of yet we can conclude that this may very well be Jason Statham’s old friend now it’s time for the odd topic this photo from Brazil seems to show the surface corpse of a dead shark that much is clear but what’s baffling is the sheer size of the thing the shark’s body is said to have been found by a marine biologist who was exploring nearby it when he saw it floating in the far distance quickly as he could he assembled a team and had the body track to the beach given the size of it surely it’s a Megalodon right what do you think remember to comment down below with the hashtag hashtag odd topic and let us know your opinion in relation to what we just showed on screen and now to the next topic number 14 a coelacanth it may sound like something from a science fiction story but the coelacanth is living proof that extinction is not necessarily the end it was long believed that the coelacanth a small fish that lives far beneath the surface of the ocean had been extinct for over 65 million years but in 1938 scientists found a living specimen of the fish of the coast of South Africa debunking any claim that the coelacanth no longer existed even science gets it wrong sometimes the rediscovery of this long missing species has led many to suspect that the Megalodon has befallen a similar fate I had indeed below the ocean far from the eyes of curious humans the scientists have largely dismissed this theory noting that the Megalodon preferred shallow warm water and was particularly fond of prowling the coasts a claim that is highly unlikely for the Megalodon to adapt so drastically to a whole new life in the cold depths of the wide open ocean but while scientists claimed that the possibility of the Meg survival is less than 1% the rediscovery of the coelacanth means that there is now a precedent for a rediscovery of species long thought to be extinct with new technology scientists are exploring our world in ways previously impossible and if smaller fish can adapt to a whole new ecosystem who’s to say that the ultimate aquatic predator can’t do the same maybe the Megalodon is a vegan now actually probably not number 13 the unexplored ocean our planet could easily be mistaken as a breeding ground for sharks 70% of planet Earth is made up of water with our oceans taken up a vast 360 1.9 million square kilometres all teeming with life in every single one of our five oceans there exist delicate ecosystems filled with fish algae sharks and more but despite the thousands of oceanographers geographers and others who’ve dedicated their lives to explore in these hidden worlds there’s a lot more left to discover only 15% of the Earth’s oceans have been explored meaning that there’s an incredible 85 percent completely untouched as technology develops is becoming easier and more accessible the scientists and marine biologists to explore these once unreachable worlds every day new species are being observed an old species once believed to be lost are being rediscovered all of this suggests that the Megalodon can exist without necessarily having been discovered perhaps is hiding in one of these unexplored expanses playing the world’s greatest game of hide-and-seek ready or not number 12 Megalodon teeth if you ever wondered why there are so many cheap shark-tooth necklaces on sale at pretty much every clothing store then here’s an answer just for you it turns out that sharp teeth are not only manufactured to help hipsters and Beach dwellers feel more in tune with nature but is also just a lot of them on the ocean floor sharks lose a set of teeth every 1 to 2 weeks depending on what they’ve been eating and they’re able to produce new ones throughout their entire life basic it’s a good thing they don’t have dentists because of this bi-weekly tooth loss it’s no real surprise that almost every Megalodon fossil recovered is a tooth in fact Megalodon quite literally translates to big tooth so it’s really on brand to keep putting out this kind of merchandise Megalodon teeth can grow up to 18 centimetres long making them far more noticeable on the ocean floor than typical shark teeth but the question remains how is it that so many teeth are being discovered if the Meg is genuinely extinct scientists believe that the reason is logical shark’s teeth are one of a handful of bones in their entire skeleton it makes complete sense that such material would remain intact and fossilized over thousands or even millions of years still it also suggests that there could in theory be a whole new group of megalodons eaten well in the depths of the ocean if a shark he loses his teeth every two weeks then it must be possible for these teeth to be brand new there could be a very well fed Megalodon athlete number 11 the whale tail no we’re not talking about underwear here but in actual whale’s tail in January 2009 a Hawaii resident out at sea happen to catch sides of something strange on the beach a dead whale had washed up with its entire back end missing closer inspection revealed that the whale seemed to have had its tail bitten clean off leaving its guts and entrails pouring out onto the sand well I never said all the reasons would be pretty in the footage it’s clear that the injury suffered by the whale is something far more severe than a typical shark could inflict the severing of the tail is clean and looks to have been done in a single bite not something that would be impossible for even the biggest ordinary shark the cameraman and viewers of the video only have one explanation such a huge bite could only be the work of a Megalodon or a very very hungry large fish but probably the Megan for the more skeptical among us it’s worth noting that megalodons were well known carnivores who regularly feasted on dolphins whales and even other sharks coupled that with our knowledge to megalodons prefer coastal waters as well as the sheer size of their teeth and jaws and it’s not unrealistic to assume that this was the work of a Megalodon if nothing else it’s nice to know that even prehistoric animals thought Hawaii was a beautiful place to visit number 10 the Cape Town sighting despite the world being slightly preoccupied it seems even Wars can’t stop a visit from the make on the 18th of December 1942 Nazi German soldiers pilots in two u-boats in Cape Town South Africa happened to catch a photograph of a shark passing by the submersibles but of course the photo would prove that this was not any ordinary shark the picture shows a creature of approximately 64 feet long from fin to tail and suggesting that the animal may be the subject of our fear and adoration it may well be the meg documentaries exploring the sighting of interviewed marine biologists who have confirmed that the creature seen in the photo is likely to be the big don himself but it’s also worth noting that these biologists are seemingly untraceable giving the skeptics some superiority on that one sorry to all you make fans I really did try my best of course the skeptics continue to find ways to poke holes in the sighting raising questions about the validity of the photograph some have managed to locate the alleged original Sharples frame of footage while others have noted that the 64 feet between the fin and the tail suggest that this creature was twice the size of the typical mech still many believe the photo to be a legitimate piece of evidence to prove once and for all that the extinction is nothing but a red herring or a red shock number 9 the coastguard sighting as the home of alligators and other water dwelling predators it may be unsurprising the Florida was singled out as the location of a make sighting in 2012 the Florida coast guard was sent on a mission to recover a group of people from a capsized boat during their efforts to rescue those at sea a high-speed camera capturing the rescue in action picked up what may be footage of the megohm a closer inspection of the footage shows a dark striking shadow that passes by the boat and survivors themselves under the water while the survivors may not have notice is hard to miss from this footage the shadow is extremely long much longer than any other shark we’ve ever seen marine biologists have claimed that shark in the video is a whale shark noted for its ability to grow as long as 18 meters and fondness for open tropical waters of course this is a perfectly valid explanation but it’s irrelevant to the video in question which was filmed in either tropical nor open water but a coastline on the other hand the Meg is known for preferring the warmest waters of a coastline and as a surface dweller it’s never been particularly afraid of lurking just under the waves while the debate will rage on about exactly what kind of shark this is we firmly believe it could be the make number 8 Mariana Trench known as the deepest trench in the world the Mariana Trench is the ultimate hiding place for underwater creatures who don’t want to be bothered by the human world hidden away in the Pacific Ocean the farthest known depth in the trenches around 36,000 feet one so deep that Mount Everest could fit completely inside of it without getting close to breaching the surface scientists have discovered that this vibrant life within this depth has creatures from scent of fire force to tiny microbial life forms thrive in this unexplored ecosystem but there is one creature who is as of yet unaccounted for the Megalodon if the Meg really is hiding deep underwater having adapted to the whole new climate and depth that comes with it there would be no way better to hide than the Mariana Trench tucked far away from human disruption with much room to live and thrive the trench is practically a hideaway for celebrity fish it’s the Hamptons or the Beverly Hills of the ocean but perhaps most importantly for a predator like the Meg the trench has an extra appeal of thousands and thousands of little fish swim around just waiting to be eaten if the Meg is hiding anyway underwater it would most likely be in the largely unexplored Mariana Trench with so many species at summer space it’s hard to deny the appeal of such a perfect hideaway for such a legendary predator is it possible that our favorite fish is just waiting at the deepest point for some documentary crew to stumble upon it we’ll have to wait and see number 7 the Japanese species when you’re searching for a prehistoric animal it can sometimes help to try and bait it out of extinction ok you know what I mean a group of Japanese researchers exploring a Mariana Trench had this exact idea hoping to discover what kind of sharks were thriving deep inside the trench lying in a bait cage with meat and an attached camera they began to lower the cage until something came to feed of course the creature feeding on the bait was no ordinary fish but a long massive beast of a shark that soon vanished deep into the trench of course marine biologists initially dismissed the footage as insufficient proof of the Megalodon suggested instead that it’s a run-of-the-mill Pacific sleeper shark often found in the Pacific Ocean that didn’t really go down well with shark aficionados who pointed out that the Pacific sleeper shark only grows to 20 feet while this shark looks to be far far longer scientists know this stuff but YouTube also know stuff knowing that the Megalodon was capable of growing up to 60 feet long this footage proves to be rather difficult to dismiss without biologists tracking or study in the shark in question there’s no real way to know if this was simply a Pacific sleeper shark or a thriving Megalodon still we happen to think it may be the Meg feel free to drop us a line in the comments if you have any idea number six Mexican beach shark vacations often conjure up fond memories of hot sand warm Sun unidentified bodies of Beach sharks whoa wait well maybe the last one doesn’t happen too often but it happened to one group of unsuspecting tourists while vacationing in Mexico a group of tourists were stunned to discover that a massive 40-foot long unidentified species of shark had washed up on the shore near their resort of course in true vacation style notorious immediately ran toward the beached animal began taking photos and videos to remember their vacation time forever after all why pay for a souvenir when you can take a picture with a possible Megalodon for free despite so many tourists getting photos the actual species of shark was never researched by marine biologists or scientists and unfortunately the shark soon was washed back out into the ocean rendering it impossible to recover and meaning that we’ll never truly know still those tourists have gifted the world with their images making it possible for us to get a good look at what may well be an egg or just a big dead shark number five the Indonesian sighting it seems that any time you bought a boat there’s a possible chance of a Megalodon sighting case in point a man sailing off the coast of Indonesia happened to catch sight of a shark passing by his boat but of course was this really just another shark passing by or was this perhaps one of these rare sightings while the shark kept its distance and stayed beneath the surface the cameraman was able to zoom in just enough to truly capture an idea of its massive size in the footage the dorsal fin alone appears to be around five feet tall for those of you that aren’t great with envisioning Heights or measurements that’s about the size of Danny DeVito wearing a bowler hat you’re welcome the shark also appears to be at least 30 feet in length or six bola we’re in Danny DeVito’s laid end to end in a life raising yet more questions about the species is this just a very very large great white or is there another species that hasn’t been identified or just maybe this is the legendary Danny dev sorry this is the Megalodon come to think of it is Danny DeVito the new Megalodon we’re gonna have to look into that one number for Google Earth more than just a blatant invasion of privacy Google Earth is a conspiracy theories tool box Google Earth has been used to find Atlantis to try and infiltrate area 51 and has now even been used to track with a Mac and it may well have worked somehow some one browser on Google Earth discovered a captured aerial image of a shark off the coast of Iraq and the discovery isn’t entirely out of the realm of possibility bearing in mind that the Google Earth cameras are taken from very high in the air any animals that it captures with such clarity must be huge how often do you see bugs or poodles or hamsters exactly to see a shark with such clarity from such a height means that this creature is likely around 70 feet in length that is a very very very big shark but there’s something else that points of his beam a strong possible sighting it lines up with everything we know about the make we know from historical research that the Meg loves coastal waters is a surface dweller and typically grows to around 60 feet on average well this image seems to suggest all of those things if any skeptics are watching feel free to explain this one in the comments below this may be as close as we get to definite proof or it could be a big shark number three the HMS challenger sure the HMS challenger has been out of service since the late 1800s but that’s also what they say about the make the HMS challenger was a Royal Navy ship typically used for marine expeditions back in the 1800s and that is precisely where the Meg comes in in 1875 the HMS challenger discovered a pair of Megalodon teeth while dredging a Tahiti seabed as part of an expedition these teeth have been the subject of intense debate with experts dating them anywhere between 10,000 and 25,000 years old that of course is a very long time but it doesn’t line up with the generally agreed extinction date of the Meg according to scientists the Megalodon went extinct around one and a half million years ago so if to make which may I remind you loses teeth every two weeks is extinct how exactly did it leave behind a tooth several hundred thousand years after the date it disappeared of course there’s no real answer to that and scientists continue to dispute the claims but if the dating is accurate it suggests that not only was the MEC somehow able to survive the Ice Age but then it’s likely learned to adapt to a whole new life if that is the case it stands to reason that the Megalodon is surviving and thriving in the new and rapidly changing temperatures of our oceans and generally I’m glad there’s one species able to do that number two cartilage many skeptics claim that if the Megalodon were truly alive some of its remains would have been recovered from the ocean floor of course this is almost impossible to achieve the biology of sharks is significantly different than that of mammals in that they lack what we consider to be a skeleton a shark’s body is made up almost entirely of cartilage but the only bones being found in the jaw back in teeth sharp remains tend to decompose rather quickly within the ocean water and any leftovers are almost always eaten by other animals often sharks themselves think Hannibal Lecter but fish so what does that mean for our pursuit of to make it means that the only way we could trace this legendary creature would be to locate the jaw bones spinal bones or teeth at the latter of which we know to be the most commonly recovered fossil so without more conclusive proof of dead megalodons it’s hard to prove definitely that the creature is extinct number one divers footage when you live your life exploring the oceans you’re likely going to come across a giant prehistoric shark now and then that’s what happened to a group of Australian cage divers who witnessed what may just be one of the first undeniable sightings of Megalodon in our modern age while it has the appearance and the body structure associated with a typical great white the sheer size of the animal has led many to suggest that this creature may just have something special about it of course marine biologists and scientists have as expected dismissed the footage as merely proof that great whites exist in the ocean something everybody knows but that explanation is pretty weak considering the size of the Beast which is clearly something much larger than the great white if this isn’t the Meg it may well be some other prehistoric shark maybe we just discovered a whole new species I wonder how many hat-wearing DeVito’s it is do you believe that the Meg is still out there or do you have theories of your own let us know in the comments also check out our other cool stuff showing up on screen right now see you next time