elephants live in matriarch herds this means that the females in the herd are the ones that lead and that have the positions of power so it’s no surprise when you learn that elephants are extremely protective and particularly of their young calves [Music] and i pity anyone who dares to threaten them from an elephant fighting off a pack of lions to an elephant fighting off a huge rhino here are 15 times animals messed with the wrong elephant number 15 elephants protect their babies from lion the biggest mammal on earth is the african elephant and you can find most of them in the country of botswana where one of the most ruthless predators also lives the mighty lion every year during the dry season the elephants who live in large groups have to migrate to regions where there’s still some water and where naturally the lions also flock to in order to survive and that makes for violent encounters especially when the female elephants give birth to a baby then the lions will always try to attack the baby elephant given that it’s too young and inexperienced to defend itself but it’s big enough that it’ll provide food for a long time for the lion but the lion has to be very cautious because even if the elephants are herbivores and they’re not naturally aggressive they’re still big enough to impart serious damage to whatever poses a threat elephants are very gentle and intelligent creatures but they have horns for a reason and it’s not just for looks look at this adult elephant protecting a newborn they’re ready to go against a huge lion if necessary before we go on like this video smash the subscribe button and click the notification bell right now or this centipede will crawl on your face when you’re sleeping [Music] now it’s time for the star topic we found this picture on the internet of one single elephant stepping on a huge male lion and next to him you can see a newborn elephant calve you know it was just born because its skin is pink so maybe the lion wanted to make a snack out of the baby and the mother just after childbirth had to attack and overpower an adult lion comment down below with the hashtag star topic and let us know your opinion in relation to what we just showed on screen with that said let’s keep things moving number 14 elephants protect babies from wild dogs as we mentioned before elephants are extremely protective of their young and during a photogenic safari some tourists at the sabi sands in south africa got a close look at to what extent that statement is true a large herd of elephants and their young or crossing a dirt road when suddenly the pack a wild dogs appeared now usually wild dogs know not to mess with elephants but this time they were hungry and desperate times call for desperate measures so they were on the lookout trying to spot a baby elephant that would be an easy prey for them but the instant an adult elephant realized the situation they were in it started sounding the alarm which is a very loud noise that comes from their trunks immediately all the other elephants create a circle and face down the hungry pack of wild dogs they clearly were not happy at all about the dogs being in their space especially since they had several calves in the herd and you can see how quickly the predators back down they know they are no match for the massive elephant 13 elephant herd saves baby elephant from crocodile as far as strong and scary predators go the crocodile certainly ranks extremely high crocodiles are so insanely well suited for hunting prey that their physique has hardly changed at all for centuries but when it comes to a herd of elephants protecting their young nothing will stop them not even the mighty crocodile when this herd of elephants had to cross a river to get to the other side and continue with their yearly migration they quickly realized something deadly was hiding in the water it was a huge hungry crocodile and the croc is smart it knows it has no chance against a fully grown elephant so it goes for the weakest link the cav it will very fast realize just how big of a mistake that was one female elephant rushes to the water and simply attacks the massive crocodile the elephant’s trying to step on it to injure it with its horns anything to get it to back down and it works number 12 mother elephant defends her baby the hippopotamus is the deadliest animal for humans in the entire world which means more people die from a hippo attack per year than from any other animal attack that means that hippos are extremely aggressive don’t be fooled by their teddy bear appearance they are extremely aggressive and territorial especially when they are in the water they are massive can run extremely fast and are also insanely strong and even if elephants are a lot bigger than hippos hippos are a real threat to pretty much anything that crosses their path so when this mother elephant with her little calf were trying to enjoy the waters of an oasis to clean themselves she took it very seriously when suddenly the tiny round ears of a hippo appeared over the water [Applause] she immediately placed her large body between her infant and the hippo and then gently but hastily guided her calf away from the hippo meanwhile the hippo was looking aggressively at both of them at one moment there was even a burst of violence when the hippo got too close to him thankfully there wasn’t any attack that day but it’s a very good lesson for her calf if you see a hippo especially in the water do not get too close number 11 elephant tramples rhino and baby rhinoceros and elephants are eternal enemies and it’s not because they prey on each other as both species are herbivores which means they eat plants but because they are both incredibly big animals and almost equally strong but they both belong to two very different species of animals so they present a mutual threat to each other and because they share their natural habitat they’re both very aware of the existence of the other simply because if something happens they would both end up being seriously injured in other words they live in an eternal stalemate neither side wants to start an offense because they both could lose and the result is that they simply dislike each other very deeply and because of that they do not like to share their sources of water i mean they really don’t like sharing just look how this adult elephant just marches on literally trying to step on a rhino with her small calf all they were doing was trying to drink some water the elephant’s aim isn’t to actually injure or kill but to scare off the mother and her young one as a slightly aggressive preventative method you could say number 10 elephants protect babies from fox and hyena when a fully grown elephant stampedes towards you with its big ears flapping aggressively and with its huge and shiny horns rapidly advancing at you it can be extremely scary and if that ever happens you would be wise to run very very fast just like this female elephant marching towards a fox and a hyena to protect her young calf being a mother is not an easy task [Music] but being in the wild and having so many predators trying to get a bite of your offspring must be very unnerving and that’s why this particular elephant has had enough and she decides to scare the living hell out of the two predators hovering around their herd waiting for their chance to attack a calf and you can’t blame her she knows that hyenas can coordinate complex attacks to separate elephant calves from the herd they are very sneaky and effective they will send one hyena to distract the bigger elephants while other ones approach from the back to snatch the babies it’s ruthless except this elephant is 13 feet tall and weighs in at 4 000 pounds and she isn’t backing down so in other words don’t mess with a female elephant that has taken care of her calf ever number nine elephant vs lion lions are amazing predators they eat hippos for breakfast they are fast agile highly intelligent and extremely strong and they can also coordinate an attack altogether at the same time which makes them extremely effective hunters and sometimes it’s impossible to fight against them very few animals can go against a pride of lions and survive to tell the story but that is not the case of the elephant although sometimes the lions manage to separate the calf from the group the mother will always no matter what stay with her baby only sometimes the mother after fighting with all her strength for hours gets too tired to go on and the lions can finally claim their prey but that is not always how a lion elephant face-off ends female elephants are bigger than the males and they are extremely protective and that means they will do anything in the world to protect their offspring and because of their enormous size and mega strength they can put up a fair fight even against a large pride of lions just look at how this mother runs towards the lions always keeping her baby close number eight waterhole hyena vs elephant during drought season water holes are very scarce in africa and also very much sought after no animal can survive without water and the elephants and hyenas are no exception many different species will find themselves in close quarters with other animals that they normally will consider adversaries and things can heat up very quickly and even if hyenas are minuscule compared to the elephant they pose a very serious threat mainly because they can coordinate and attack and when you see one hyena there’s probably many more hiding in the tall grass so when an elephant is peacefully drinking some water and from the corner of its eyes spots a hyena the absolute first thing it will do is to stop everything it is doing and try and scare off the hyena immediately and for good reason hyenas are known to prey on elephant calves and the elephants don’t like it when someone messes with their young and they can be quite intimidating especially when they run ears flapping in the wind number seven mother elephant protects baby from hyena look at this mother elephant scaring off a hungry hyena in the african savannah the mother seems to be alone which is rare for an elephant she probably got separated from her herd by the rest of the hyenas and now she’s all alone trying desperately to protect her small calf she opens her ears big to appear bigger and more intimidating that’s something that elephants do a lot and she also tries to make a noise as loud as possible to frighten the hyena away that little calf is only three days old and it is extremely vulnerable you can see how it tries very hard to keep up with its mother he knows that its life depends on it but instantly after she runs towards the hyena to warn it off you can see how she runs back to her baby to make sure it’s safe and sound such a gentle mama but elephants can be quite scary when necessary when the hyena is far enough the mother then positions herself directly on top of her calf to make extra sure no harm will come its way the calf is happily staying in between its mother’s legs using her almost like a protective fence number six elephant versus tiger the asian elephant is significantly smaller than its african cousin on average a fully grown asian elephant can be 21 feet long nine feet tall and they can weigh in at up to fifteen thousand pounds so even if they are a smaller species of elephant they are still quite a force to be reckoned with the asian elephant’s natural habitat overlaps with that of the tiger and as you must already know tigers are extremely good hunters they are an apex predator and very few animals can survive a tiger attack but when it comes to a female elephant and her baby even the mighty tiger has to be very careful and proceed with the utmost caution even though the tiger knows it can get seriously hurt if it tried its luck with an elephant an elephant calf is just too much of a juicy treat for the tiger to pass on so the tiger has to measure the situation very carefully because if one of those horns gets him it could end up losing its life and surely enough after much consideration the tiger begins the attack only to shortly after run away in utter fear one parent stays with the baby while the other starts running straight towards the tiger the strategy is too good and the tiger decides it’s not worth the risk this time number five massive elephant versus three baby hippos in this video you can see a massive african elephant trying to get to a river probably to drink some water and enjoy a nice bath but he seems reticent and why well the answer will make you laugh because there are three teeny tiny baby hippos enjoying the water themselves i cannot stress enough the difference in size here i mean the three baby hippos combined are not even a third of the size of that elephant but the elephant knows that hippos are extremely territorial and that where there’s a calf the mother can’t be that far away and you do not want to piss off a hippo mother especially by threatening her babies so the gigantic elephant steps back cautiously and the hippos get a little bit cocky and they proceed to gain some ground on the elephant they seem to be mocking him almost and the unfortunate elephant has no way of reaching the water but with age comes wisdom something the elephant has and those three little younglings lack so the elephant waits patiently to see if in fact the mother is around after realizing she probably isn’t nearby the elephant then launches forward and it even knocks over a tree in the process and then what do you know the three little hippos flee running back to the safety of the water number four angry elephant chase’s giraffe it’s sometimes hard to assess the size of an animal from a video or picture especially african animals which are usually extremely big and that is the case of the giraffe trust me they’re bigger than what you imagine [Music] they can grow up to over 20 feet tall and despite their cute appearance they can be quite vicious and an animal of that size can surely inflict some serious damage but what if a giraffe goes against the biggest animal on earth the african elephant giraffes are much taller but elephants are much more sturdy and robust now of course because both animals share a natural habitat are both mega big and they sometimes have to share a water hole well they end up not liking each other so look at how this huge elephant runs after a massive giraffe to ward it off the giraffe’s not doing anything wrong it’s not even attacking the babies but the elephant’s nervous just by looking at it and it decides not today today there will be no giraffes at the waterhole number three elephant destroys a lion it’s not for nothing that lions are called the kings of the jungle although if we want to be accurate it would be more like the king of the savannah and that is because they are the absolute apex predator there [Music] they are huge moody murder cats perfectly designed to track down attack and kill its prey they all hunt together male and female lions and they all have their own part to play in the synchronized attacks so on top of being incredibly agile fast and strong they are insanely well organized and their timing is usually perfect lions don’t usually attack fully grown elephants unless they are very old or injured and that’s because they know that even as a group the elephant is a worthy adversary and they can defend themselves very well but when there are elephant calves that is a different story then the lions will try their luck and attempt to separate the calf from the herd and if they manage to do so the rest is easy as cavs have no way to defend themselves but sometimes the lions just choose the wrong calf or more accurately the wrong mother just look at this female elephant completely destroy that lion you almost feel sad for the poor cat number two elephants charging and painted wolves for many different reasons elephants are not a big fan of the painted wolf and usually when they spot a painted wolf pack they will try to scare them off sometimes quite aggressively so in other words they are never very pleased to see them even if the wolves don’t really pose any kind of serious threat to the elephants one possible theory is that they do so to teach the younger ones how to march towards another animal to scare it away because if you look closely when the adult elephant runs fast towards the wolves you can see two calves running not too far behind but these calves are not newborns they are of age of starting to learn some things so it might be a case of schooling technique if that’s the case it’s a very smart way of going about it since they get to charts towards an animal but without the danger of it fighting back kind of like the training wheels you had on your bike as a kid but in any case one thing is clear those elephants are going absolutely crazy on that pack of wolves number one elephant charging towards zebra at this point of the video you might have guessed that elephants although very kind to their own can be a little temperamental with other animals but the curious thing is that they can be moody and borderline aggressive with animals that pose absolutely and categorically no threat at all to them like the zebra for example the zebra is an herbivore which means they eat plants and most importantly the zebra is tiny compared to the big and mighty elephant so why is it that every time a herd of elephants encounters a herd of zebras they tease and annoy them to scare them away and if that doesn’t work they’ll use violence and physical force until the zebras leave in fear just look at these two elephants not allowing the unfortunate zebras to get a drink of water unbelievable maybe they don’t like sharing or maybe they’re so big they don’t mind imposing their ways or most likely elephants are reluctant to share their space but one thing is for sure doesn’t seem very fair to the zebras as you can see elephants are complex and very intelligent creatures and apparently there isn’t an animal on this earth that the elephant can’t overpower or is there what do you think which animal would the elephant 100 lose to let us know in the comments also check out our other cool stuff showing up on screen right now see you next time