
5 Slenderman Caught On Camera & Spotted In Real Life! #2

Slenderman is an urban legend featuring a tall lanky figure wearing a suit another main component of the Slender Man getup is a blank white face said to prey on children it’s quite the horror story these five Slenderman caught on camera and spotted in real life range from photoshopped fails to creepy pics that could be the real deal before we begin make sure you hit that subscribe button to get notified every day for more amazing content with that being said let’s begin number five playground sighting people do love this Lenderman myth and the Internet is filled with awkward photos like this one photoshop features heavily in many of them and we wouldn’t be surprised if that was the case here the scene seems like a standard one from the late 1900s a group of children are playing during a beautiful day with one stopping the pose as she climbs up a slide it looks like the pictures all fun and games until you look towards the shaded area underneath the trees it seems the playground has an adult surrounded by a group of kids who seem to be sitting down looking at the adult figure one is standing up looking a little unsteady directly in front of the woman with none of the shaded kids interacting with one another they’re all staring at the figure which upon closer inspection has an odd look they seem to be tall and slender which fits the bill for the Slender Man you can’t make out their face but it does seem pretty featureless adding to the terror its when you realize that the figure has no arms but long shadowy tentacles flowing from each arm that you realize what’s going on here other than a poor Photoshop attempt of course it seems the editor wanted us to think that the Slender Man was indeed watching over these kids true the myth if this was the case it would be incredibly creepy that entire playground would be done although it’s interesting to note that the adult who we assumed took the photo in the first place he’s nothing miss correct us if were wrong but we’d assumed that one glance to the left would be all that was needed to realize the kids were in trouble but this parent seems unfazed it could be that the picture was taken before they noticed the oddity but we’re willing to bet that the original pic featured nothing more than a really tall lanky adult partially obscured by shadow add a little blur and maybe some blending techniques and you’ve got yourself a Slenderman this photo wasn’t well done stretching the figure up a little was all that was needed to make a convincing Slenderman we’re sure that the original photo was probably creepy enough without the alterations to stir people’s imaginations think about it some guy standing around a group of children all staring in his direction that serial killer type stuff right there the awkward arms just killed it for us as it doesn’t take ghosts arms to make a Slenderman it just ruins the moment oh well with not much that can be done about this failed we’re moving on to a photo that definitely isn’t edited and may hold some dark secrets lurking in the background number 4 playground gets weird so it looks like Slenderman loves playgrounds it makes sense really he preys on kids and all creeps know that a playground is a good guess another shot with a group of kids hanging out on a slide in the foreground but this one has other adults standing around watching things happen directly across from the group of adults is something that’s seriously sinister standing under the covered area next to a support beam is an eerie sight it looks like a very tall person wearing a suit complete with a tie is standing there watching the group if you look down it seems like he has no feet but that’s not too outlandish for a Slenderman photo the other picture had crazy tentacle arms after all it also looks like his face is missing replaced with a Slenderman ask white mask that’s the really weird part that end it looks like it’s cold and the guy if he’s really there isn’t wearing much to protect himself from the elements a suit really isn’t cut out for winter weather if Slenderman happened to be real this could very easily a perfect sighting the eerie humanoid figure just staring whimsically at a group of children playing in a park the adults here are standing guard but you get the sense the Slender Man is just biding his time the woods featuring in the background make a perfect backdrop for the scene leaving you to think that he snuck in through the trees and can easily slink back out again completely unnoticed unnoticed until this picture was developed of course the fact that the kid on the slide has the same creepy white face as the guy does is just huh you see it Slenderman spy adding more to the mystery we figure the conditions were off there’s a little blur in the photo to begin with and the shot might not have been developed properly only one face out of the three kids looking toward the camera has a clear face in the photo after all and the guy in the background could have been affected too especially because he’s further away and partially obscured we think he’s probably just an odd arrangement of trees and shadow but if we’re wrong this photograph is seriously dark if those kids are targets there’s no way they’re gonna be able to resist the Slenderman who does seem to be observing the entire group rather intently number three guiding the way picture number three is another photo that looks genuine although it does leave a lot of questions unanswered first of all who’s this kid in the front of the picture and why does he look so pissed off this kid really doesn’t like whatever outing these kids seemed to be on this photo was posted anonymously with no indication as to where it was taken but it does look relatively old based on the style of dress the lightly flared pants on the kid in the front with a tucked in t-shirt and no belt to boot says it all it’s also unclear who took this photo could be that angry kid just doesn’t like the photographer that much in the background however is a figure that led the poster to believe that this pic was Slenderman worthy in the middle of the shot above the group of kids is a strange figure that looks like a tall person following you can’t make out any facial features other than a round can look in shape the figure even looks like it’s holding its right hand out in front of it as it follows the procession one kid even seems aware of the ghostly apparition looking over in that direction although it’s unclear if they’re looking directly at the figure or just behind it we can’t figure out if it’s a person just wasn’t all that photogenic or if it’s something else entirely it definitely looks ominous and very much like Slenderman shepherding a group of kids these older photographs are notoriously tricky to get right with many being thrown off by lighting environmental conditions or just a shoddy developing process so many of these old photos seem to hold mysterious secrets mostly because they’re just not that good grainy photos let your imagination run rampant with your brain processing things wrong based on a perceived sense that it’s missing information and trying to compensate that being said this photo does have some sinister elements and without being able to verify where it came from we have to allow for the fact that this could actually be a real-life Slenderman sighting absence of evidence isn’t evidence of absence after all we know that lines been played out a lot lately but it does ring true in so many situations so it can’t be too much of a stretch to apply here can it once we have tangible evidence we might recant but for now these Slenderman photos seem to be lacking anything concrete number two hide and seek taken in the forest by a group of kids messing around one day this photo proves the Slenderman has made his way to Asia and set up shop there as well while posing for a photo op it seems that this girl was unaware of a spooky visitor playing hide and seek with she’s on the right of the picture with her peeping tom queuing up from behind a tree to the left this is on first glance pretty creepy the tall lanky figure looks a lot like the Slenderman of myth and the blurry features around the face seems to fit the bill the wooded area itself looks quite peaceful and where Shura was just that on the day the picture was taken with no mythical creatures to disrupt the moon another Photoshop failed it looks like this editor didn’t even try the face is far too blurry without any definition between it and the area behind leaving us to believe that whoever put this together is new to photo edits or just wanted to make a few friends laugh with a hastily thrown together redo we do like how they got the legs and waist down pat but that arm is obviously just a round paintbrush you work the round and stump of a wrist shows that no touch-ups were done past getting the general shape of an arm we’re also pretty sure that even a legendary creature such as the Slender Man once arrived has to obey at least some of the rules of physics why for example would he hide behind a tree if he can disappear on command we are referring of course to the fact that the tree is far too narrow to conceal him properly that being the case both shoulders would be showing on either side of the tree unless he can turn invisible which we don’t think he can as a Photoshop edit it’s a good first attempt but we think more care should be put into trying to convince the world number one creepy kids in logging camp we don’t know for sure but this definitely looks like the area surrounding a logging camp the photo was taken a long time ago and we can’t help but think it’s creepy as sent those kids no hint of a smile on their faces seem to be possessed staring into the distance past the camera that thousand-year stare isn’t supposed to be something that kids do whatever they saw prior to this picture it was definitely dark the kids sitting off on their own even further back is even more terror inducing and we can’t even begin to imagine what kind of horrors these kids must get up to in their spare time the scene itself is dreary and bleak as you pan left you get the sense that there’s not much hope to speak of in this landscape then you see him the Slenderman on the right side of the picture standing just behind one of the last trees still standing among the destruction he’s just standing there staring toward the photographer seemingly taking in the entire scene we don’t know if he already got to these kids but based on the looks of him we think it’s a solid bet we’re sure that nobody was actually standing there being super creepy when this photo was taken but it looks really impressive we can’t say if this was another optical illusion or Photoshop but if it was the latter we’ve got to tip our hats to whoever pulled it off because this isn’t all that bad if however these kids were visited by something mysterious and evil we do have pretty good proof in this picture this photo will no matter what probably makes sleeping a pretty hard thing to do tonight if only because those kids are so damn freaky looking hope you enjoyed the video folks if you did make sure you click that subscribe button before you head out if you’re new it’s all you have to do come on just click I know you want to oh and if you enjoyed the video drop a like I heard it gives you superpowers in the future or something thank you so much for watching and I’ll see you on the next video

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