when we think of the Sahara Desert we think of towering sand dunes and camel driven Caravans winding their way through the endless expanse a lot of the Sahara is just that it takes up a huge amount of space and sand from the Sahara has been found to make its way all over the world following ocean currents or prevailing winds all of this space lends an air of mystery to the Sahara with a myriad of Secrets buried beneath its surface most of which we may never discover today we bring you the five strangest things found in the Sahara let’s begin number five Sahara glass this glass has been found in the desert since the beginning of recorded history the ancient Egyptians used it for decoration and pieces of it have been found in jewelry dating back thousands of years scientists now believe that the glass is the result of an aerial meteor explosion that occurred somewhere around 30 million years ago the temperatures needed to fuse the surrounding sand into this glass would have been immense with estimates being upward of 1, 1800° C this blast would have been much like the one seen over tunguska Russia but on a much larger scale supporting the theory of a meteor explosion the tunguska meteor created similar glass formations when it occurred albeit on a much smaller scale number four desert handprints these mysterious handprints were first discovered in 2002 in Wadi Sur e the site is located in a cave in Egypt’s Western desert this cave contains numerous drawings and paintings including the sets of handprints that are about the size of those of a child interestingly however these hands were still much smaller than any human child’s print should be with incredibly long fingers suggesting their alien in origin according to a study done by Dr Emmanuel ony these handprints were more akin to the footprints of a large lizard or small crocodile whatever they depict these drawings still continue to Garner attention and the cave itself will always remain an important anthropological find number three terrorist training camps we all know the Sahara is massive covering a vast 9.2 million square km that’s a lot of empty space this coupled with the inhospitable environment that makes life in deserts especially difficult makes the Sahara a perfect place for a hideout Smugglers and criminals have traveled through the Sahara to avoid detection since the dawn of civilization and the newest group to capitalize on it are terrorist groups al- qaa used Saharan based locations to set up camps and ship in trainees from all over the world more recently Isis has adopted the technique hoping that the sheer size of the area is enough to avoid anyone who may interfere while advancements in technology have made this cat and mouse game easier for the pursuers terrorists continue to operate deep in the desert far beyond the watch watchful eyes of local police or military forces number two naapa the naapa is a megalithic structure that is thought to be over 6,000 years old the circle is aligned along an east to west heading and is an amazing 12 ft in diameter we know that the area was much more capable of sustaining life during the period in which this structure was created but almost nothing at all is known of the civilization or group behind it what is currently known is that most people inhabiting the area at that time lived a mostly nomadic existence we also know that the structure definitely had astrological significance most probably tied into religion in some way given its alignment and organization while archaeologists scientists and historians have proposed many theories none yet have any real facts to back them up number one raich chat structure our final point is the most mysterious of all for this reason it’s also garnered the most attention with ancient alien theorists and science scientists alike being completely baffled with regard to its Origins the structure is a massive 40 km in diameter and boasts an incredibly colorful appearance it also has massive channels carved in multiple rings that Circle the entirety of the site initially it was assumed to be a massive impact crater that was left by an ancient asteroid while this initially looks reasonable there’s been no evidence of any stress or impact usually such impacts disturb the Earth in predictable ways but the raich chat structure is beyond anyone’s comprehension and there you have five strangest things found in the Sahara if you enjoyed the video make sure you drop a like and share it and if you haven’t already subscribe down below to get notified almost every single day with new videos from Top five’s finest thank you so much for watching and until next time we are are ow