we humans are cursed with rather simplistic eyes capable of seeing far too little of what the cosmos has to offer thankfully though certain technological advances enable us to see that which we might have never been able to cast our eyes upon before telescopes allow us to see into the past by looking into the depths of outer space while microscopes can give us extreme close-ups but there are some creatures and critters that when seemed to close up reveal themselves to be far creepier looking than you might have expected these are things you don’t want to see under a microscope we’re still gonna show them to you though number 15 and hi we often hear that our eyes are the windows to our souls but windows are as transparent as they come they have no details no complex intricacies and they’re mostly self-explanatory photographer and American physics teacher sir n Mon Valley on proves with a series of photographs that eyes are far more complex than were led to believe Saran holds an interest in creative photo projects macro portraits landscape and more he started taking photos when he was a teenager and turned professional in 2006 while his works are well-known it’s his AI photography that really puts him in the spotlight his project titled your beautiful eyes is the most viewed project on the platform known as Behance with close to 3 million views and over 70 thousand likes Suren said that he wasn’t aware of how complicated the human eye was until he started photographing it for himself his pictures show stroma or pigmented fibro vascular tissue and the structure of cells connected to muscles these muscles dictate the aperture or size of the pupil while eyes and irises can look smooth on the surface they look more like an alien planet with unique shapes and structures colors and features close up Zirin zai photography astounds all those who view it with their own eyes but he won’t divulge exactly how he takes the photos before we go on we have a cool challenge for y’all it’ll take about five seconds to complete let’s make a deal just leave a like on this video smash that subscribe button and hit the notification bell and you will get 10 years of amazing luck and fortune try it it actually works now it’s time for the odd topic not to body shame but while Margot Robbie and idris elba may both look good with an extreme closeup the queen ant most certainly does not once you get these tiny little critters under the microscope you get a real good look at how devilish they truly are the sharp protrusions the gaping red mouth the almost evil grin they look like they’ve sauntered straight out of a Stephen King novel and into reality no wonder ants worked so hard when this is their boss I’d be scared to disappoint her too comment down below with the hashtag odd topic and let us know your opinion in relation to what we just showed on screen with that said let’s keep things movin number 14 tomato and tomato leaf who would have thought that a simple tomato and its leaf would be something that would make you recoil in horror tomatoes are a fabulous vegetable well fruit they go beautifully in a salad on their own fresh cooked made into a soup pasta pizza the list goes on there’s almost nothing you can’t do with a tomato but believe it or not it used to be a feared vegetable people thought it was poisonous and shouldn’t be eaten during the 1700s European aristocrats were finding themselves struck down with illnesses or even passing away after eating Tomatoes as a result they were called poisonous apples and people shied away from touching them but as it turns out it wasn’t the tomato that was poisonous but the pewter plates from which people were eating them this highly acidic fruit vegetable would react with the metals leeching them into the tomato and causing lead poisoning fortunately they worked this out before long which is why we get to enjoy this delicious meal ingredient today but while they are delicious they are terrifying to look at under a microscope tomatoes look like they have long feelers craters and strange growths they look smooth and delicious on the outside but that skin has some horrifying and monstrous looking components we’re lucky enough not to see those when we tuck into all manner of tomato varieties with unique names such as cream sausage mr. ugly and babycakes number 13 – worms we like to think we’ve explored most of the earth and after all we have all this technology at our fingertips but there’s still much of the world we know very little about and a fair portion of that is the ocean there are many creatures within it that we are yet to discover we probably sometimes wish the tubeworm was one we didn’t discover especially if you’re one of the unfortunate people to view it under a microscope if this creature doesn’t make your acquaintance of the ocean it has a long narrow tube that it attaches to the sea floor and a plume it uses to extract nutrients from the water it adapts to a sea cold temperatures no sunlight and pressure that would likely crush any person who attempted to dive down to that level instead they thrive in such environments – worms mostly live around the edges of hydrothermal vents these vents emit toxic chemical Laden water that’s heated to extreme temperatures these go by the name of black smokers the way they survive is quite unique even by gross sea creature standards when bacteria enters their mouths their gut and mouth seals shut the bacteria then survive on oxygen and sulphur which they turn into organic molecules the worms use these to survive with such a unique way of life it’s possibly of no surprise that these sea creatures are as ugly as they come but if you think they’re ugly on the surface that imagine them under a microscope they look like flabby wrinkly worms from another planet and they’re not something you’d volunteer to view at any level of magnet occasion number 12 and ants face if there’s one thing that everyone knows about ants of which there are 12,000 species it’s that they’re small even the bullet ant which has a sting that can make you feel like you’ve been shot is not of mammoths sizing but under a microscope a small and seemingly innocent-looking creature becomes something of which nightmares are made look at one under a microscope for yourself and you’ll see exactly what we mean the simple looking blackhead all of a sudden becomes far more detailed than it needs to be it has fierce looking teeth hairs wide and staring eyes and evil-looking antennae they go from innocent to your monster with a slight magnification change if you don’t think you’ll be getting much sleep tonight after seeing an ant up close and personal then enjoy a few fun facts about them ants operate similarly to how mankind used to and sometimes still does they live in colonies have worker ants Queens and males and live kind of a family life the male ants and queens have wings but the workers don’t the Queen’s primary purpose in life is to make babies and the male worker ants help with that once they mate with the Queen they often don’t live for much longer the queen on the other hand can live for several years and produce millions of offspring if a colony of ants takes over another they collect all the eggs and hatch them in their own colony those stolen eggs then become the slaves caring for the original colonies babies it’s also interesting to note that ants don’t have ears they have plenty of other disturbing features under a microscope but they’re missing these basic ones instead they feel vibrations through their feet the next time an ant interrupts your picnic think not about only how awful they look magnified but how they’re probably working hard to provide for their colony that might stop you from squishing them number 11 strawberries everyone has their favorite fruit it’s the thing you’ll eat early pack in your lunchbox and we’ll never go past in the supermarket without grabbing some people like apples and bananas but a significant number prefers strawberries over any in fact as many as 53 percent of children between the age of seven and nine say they are their favorite fruit but not for much longer have you seen them under a microscope it’s like a horror movie in fruit form on the surface strawberries are small oddly shaped berries with a green leafy component on the top and small seeds dotted over the red fleshy exterior sometimes they have patches of green where they’re not quite right up close however they look a little bit hairy and the seeds are wrinkled terrifying to look at and huge strawberries are the only fruit to have seeds on the outside and we’re now glad not anymore do after seeing a strawberry magnified you may not be in a hurry to pick up a Punnett on your next grocery store visit but it is still worth doing so they are packed full of folate antioxidants and flavonoids there are also low in calories and are naturally low in sugar what’s more they have around 160 percent of your daily vitamin C requirements which is far more than an orange trying not to think about what really sits on the skin of your favorite fruit before you bite into it number 10 dental plaque it’s probably of no surprise to anyone that dental plaque looks gnarly under a microscope after all you don’t want it you don’t need it it’s damaging and dentists frown upon it if you’re in the dental chair with plaque no one’s gonna be all too happy about it while dental plaque looks pretty gross on the surface it’s even worse under a microscope it almost looks like a damaged and dirty coral reef with sticky tacky particles clinging on for dear life nothing will send you rushing to the bathroom to brush those pearly whites like the sight of plaque on full camera zoom plaque is a clear type of film that forms between your teeth below the gum line and on your teeth it mostly presents itself within 12 hours of eating which is why your parents would always nag it a brush morning and night if you don’t remove that nasty plaque it hardens and turns into tartar it can then cause tooth decay when it eats through the NA along your teeth in the meantime it Redden’s your gums causes discoloration and even leaves a foul-smelling odor that even a peppermint can’t fix if you don’t want to see dental plaque under a microscope or on your teeth then don’t forget to brush twice daily number nine human skin poor you can avoid looking at gross things in a microscope but you can’t avoid having them especially if that gross thing is your own skin on the surface our skin looks normal we see it every day on ourselves and other people and if you look close enough you can see small dots where hair follicles protrude but it doesn’t make us say you examining and under a microscope might at close range these skin pores look like rough and uneven surfaces with large gaping holes they are by no means as smooth as they look on your body but even if you want to get rid of your unsightly pores you need them our pores serve an essential purpose your oil glands work in harmony with them to allow your skin to feel soft supple and healthy sweat pores on the other hand enable your sweat glands to cool down your skin with refreshing moisture but like most things they don’t always work at 100% all the time human skin pores can become blocked with dead skin oiled cells and other nasties when this happens we get pimples breakouts blackheads and acne such an occurrence can see a need to use a form of treatment which differs for everyone to clean out and open those pores so that they function normally number eight tardigrades water bears at full size a tardigrade also acutely known as a water bear or moss piglet is only around 0.002 to 0.05 inches long so even to view them in the standard detailing you’ll need some kind of magnifying tool but zoom in a little further and you’ll get to see all those nitty-gritty details that turn this once cute critter into a full-on nightmare that water bear becomes a water monster tardigrades are called phylum and they are a near industry double caterpillar like creature that lives almost anywhere with moisture most often they are found on Moss or the bottom of lakes in sediment aside from their horrifying looks under a microscope there are plenty of other interesting things to know about tardigrades one such thing is that they can survive almost anything put them in temperatures as low as negative 328 degrees Fahrenheit and they’ll live ramp up the heat to 300 degrees Fahrenheit and yep you guessed it as alive as ever radiation extreme pressure boiling liquids supernova blasts gamma-ray bursts asteroids the destruction of humanity and everything on earth no problem tardigrades will take it all in their stride they go into a state known as cryptobiosis which is near death but not quite they will dehydrate themselves retract their eight legs in strange head then rejuvenate themselves when they come across water they’re basically those sea monkeys you buy from toy stores so while these creatures are awful to look at under a microscope you can’t help but be intrigued and want to look a little closer number seven human eyelashes we see our eyelashes every time we look in the mirror we may even catch a glimpse of them when we have closed our eyes or see a reflection in our spectacles but what you don’t see every day is them really up close and that’s probably a good thing cuz they’re pretty gross but you don’t have to take my word for it pluck a single lash out of your lid and check it out at sixteen X magnification you’ll not only see the eyelash but a family of mites living on it before you start trying to scrub them clean or rip them all out know that these mites are entirely normal everyone has them and some people have more than others like you you’ve got plenty the mites feed on the oils sebum and mucus that come from your facial pores those who tend to have irritated or inflamed eyes could have more mites than others but that simply means you need to address the cause of the problem rather than focus on the mites existence the mites which are called demodex folliculorum or brevis live on your face and are passed from human to human yes they are bug but no they’re not something you need to be concerned about the more frightening thing is knowing that while your eyelashes look normal in the mirror they’re playing host to a family of critters number six head lice we’re pretty sure you don’t need to see a head lice under a microscope to know they’re gross but we’re gonna describe them for you anyway they have Boba’s bodies spiky little hairs and their legs look gnarly and weird so if it wasn’t enough they had to pick them one by one out of your child’s hair now you get to imagine them looking far more awful than they do now you’re welcome head lice are gross but entirely common it doesn’t matter whether your hair is clean or dirty or you’re from affluence or poverty they affect everyone most commonly they are rife in children’s learning centers such as schools and preschools close head contact is the primary way they spread head lice are nasty and a bit of a nuisance but they don’t cause diseases or serious illness they just take a lot of time to remove with treatment and a head lice comb they’re about the size of a sesame seed and develop in three stages their 28-day lifecycle consists of an egg also called a nit a mint and then an adult louse they can’t hop fly or jump and they don’t generally spread through the sharing of hats or combs again pretty much just close head-to-head contact they feed on blood from your scalp and are often pale gray in color the most common way people know they or a loved one has Nets is by the itchiness but by this stage they have well and truly taken hold that itching can then continue long after they’re gone number five strep infection if you’re feeling under the weather and have been diagnosed with a strep infection then it pays to stay away from microscopes if you were to view a strep infection magnified it would do little to make you feel better infected bacteria cause a strep infection from group a streptococcus it can affect anyone but is more common in school-aged children it’s contagious but children on antibiotics can return to school within a day of starting treatment as long as their temperature is below 101 degrees Fahrenheit the bacteria look awful and enough under a microscope but it could also make you feel awful too a strep infection causes a sore throat bad breath fever swollen glands painful swallowing nausea abdominal pain and vomiting without treatment it can lead to tonsil abscesses sinus infections ear infections and even rheumatic fever which affects your heart and joints treatment within one to two days can stop the spread of the disease and have you on the men and then don’t have to think about those awful microscopic bacteria any longer number four mosquitoes a mosquito under a microscope looks like a monster from a horror movie I think alien but a little airier and a bit grosser mosquitoes are also not only awful oh look at but to encounter as well when the female mosquito bites you your immune system reacts and causes an itchy bump many of these over a day can create one big itch fest over the next few days or so mosquitoes tend to hang around bodies of water and our attracted to lactic acid octanol and carbon dioxide in our breath and sweat for some reason they tend to prefer beer drinkers to anyone else the next time one lands on you you’ll not only be thinking about the itchiness and discomfort to follow but now under a microscope they look as monstrous as they are number three dust mites if you thought every day insects were annoying and disturbing then a bit of information about the dust mite will have you comparing spiders to puppies dust mites under a microscope look as terrible as you would expect up close they have warped gnarled legs bulbous faces and fat bodies probably from all those dead skin cells they eat dead mites are everywhere from your pillows to your bedsheets and everywhere in between they feed on your dead skin and leave waste in your bed who would have known in just half a teaspoon of dust there are around 1,000 dust mites but that’s not the worst part there are also around 240,000 dust mite fecal particles sleep well number two maggots the sight of maggots can send shivers up your spine you’re likely to spot them on our own food animal carcasses and other remains left behind surprisingly there are more intriguing and gross under a microscope some people even think they look like tiny seals even if they’re not something you want to see or touch believe it or not as you as maggots are they are quite beneficial they break down dead things that would otherwise linger and they also can heal wounds they even help in the criminal world to establish times of death with their various life stages maggots believe it or not are even common bait types for European fishing industry businesses so while they might not be the animal you’d welcome into your home or even enjoy seeing under a microscope there’s no denying they are a much needed life-form we don’t want to get rid of entirely number one squid suckers how fond are you of sleep don’t mind if it’s interrupted by terrifying visions of microscopic tentacles good take a look at squid suckers under a microscope awful is an understatement for how these things look zoomed in there like tubes with dangerous little teeth and are by no means pleasant to look at but believe it or not scientists can’t stop looking at them those teeth are made of a unique protein called sucker in they are strong but they melt when they are heated they’re also reusable and moldable making them as desirable and similar to PVC plastic as you can get there’s hope in the research world that these terrifying teeth can be used for reconstructive surgery and eco-friendly packaging in the future we’re curious as to what you’ve seen under a microscope that terrified intrigued or disgusted you have you seen any of the above also check out our other cool stuff showing up on screen right now see you next time [Music]